Reviews for The Beginning to End All
Guest chapter 13 . 6/12/2019
A fine story.
But come now.. no getting others to fight with them? or using bloody stupify spells against 100 men in death battle seriously.
Oh very nice for ron i guess, but sjeesh without a sequel it should have been h/hr asking to be married.
MuggleDumbledore chapter 6 . 4/9/2017
this might be a good story but there are sooooo many mistakes in spellings, grammar, a few in formatting. Why do you use 'of' where you should have used 'have'.
couldn't bear to finish it.
BillBrink chapter 13 . 7/5/2016
I was involved in the story until the battle. I had a lot of questions that just suspended my belief. It was the final battle for all the cards and they could only get 19 people there? Dumbles was the Chief Mugwump. Surely he could have rounded up some more help. You never told us why they couldn't be there until Monday. Where was Dumbles in the battle? He was the one Voldy feared the most. Didn't see him fight at all. Now they are fighting for their lives, and you have them throwing STUPIDFYS? They were expecting a hundred DEs, suddenly you have them fighting "hundreds"? Hundreds of DEs against only 19 with no special weapons or strategy, and they just give up when Voldy dies? You could have used the dark mark as draining their magic or even their lives.

You're good on the angst, but need to read a few more battles to keep your converts. Thanks. Keep on writing.
New Eliza D chapter 13 . 11/4/2014
Bravo. I was looking for a good fic to read and thanks God I found yours. I just loved it.
NewEliza chapter 13 . 3/11/2013
You know, you almost make me believe that Harry was died. I'm so happy you aren't so mean to do that.

Congratulation for your fic, I really liked it.
ShezzaBoo0233 chapter 13 . 11/17/2011
ginnyharrycloisalways chapter 13 . 7/27/2011
great story
purefaith91 chapter 13 . 5/12/2011
Excellent! Loved it! Your story was such an enjoyable read that I will check out your others. Thanks for sharing. p
purefaith91 chapter 8 . 5/11/2011
Hermione cracks me up. Does she really think that if she doesn't say it, she hasn't given Harry her heart already? She is aggravating with that. And she is the one that is standing in the way of them talking things through. She is the one who starts yelling and quits listening. She just needs to take Harry out of his misery by letting him know how she feels...about everything. p
purefaith91 chapter 7 . 5/11/2011
Now Hermione is just aggravating me. For someone who is supposed to love Harry, she is acting all wrong toward him. She is making me want to smack her. p
purefaith91 chapter 4 . 5/11/2011
Excellent chapter. You covered so much information AND you had Harry tell Hermione that he loves her. Now he just needs to tell her that he would give away the world if it were a choice between her or the rest. That may be something she would understand. Sounds like AD and SB did. Love it. p
purefaith91 chapter 2 . 5/11/2011
First, SB and RL are evil. I would swear that you had to have grown up around brothers or many male friends to portray them so well. Poor Hermione (and Harry). Hopefully Harry will be able to tell her that he loves her before LV executes his nasty plan. Excellent chapter. p
purefaith91 chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
Oh, Harry really does belong with Hermione. They are so well suited to each other. Love your story so far and really like that you did not have them tap dancing around each other for chapter after chapter before they finally got together. Looks like this is going to be great! p
kyoshi711 chapter 12 . 1/14/2011
You had a good story up until the battle. Then it was playtime. Then they start throwing stupifys. Only the dumbest person alive would do what you suggested. How could they possibly win with stunning spells. It would be like James Bond using a paint gun. War is won with who can kill the most enemy and deplete supplies. You must be a girl around 15. Very romantic but poor battle strategy.
The Hermit chapter 9 . 9/16/2010
Why on earth do people use the word 'of' every time they should have used the word 'HAVE' are they all idiots or what?
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