Reviews for Images
katcar chapter 8 . 11/30/2011
Thanks for this. I really enjoyed it.

It was nice to see the world through Original Cindy's eyes. You captured her unique 'style' of speaking very nicely. The parts that we know, which were interspersed with the new, flowed nicely. I love seeing scenes from multiple characters' eyes. Her actions that weren't seen in the series fit her well.

OK, I have to put a bit of neg with all this glowing review, the later chapters did have a bit of difficulty with the other characters' flow. I am a huge fan of flash backs and forwards. I found the transition of the first and last chapters with the middle a bit jarring.

This is definitely one of the better fics out there. The production values are good (if I can call them that) i.e. spelling, grammar etc. Which line belongs to which character is clear, even if the words themselves didn't give it away.

Keep writing :-)
wibblewobble12 chapter 8 . 8/2/2009
intstebri chapter 8 . 3/7/2007
hey! it was very funny to see all what happen by Cindy.

Her meeting with Logan (and the fact of her name was on the guess list! I loved that)

Over all, the only one picture of Max, it cannot be more "Max" than that, you made it be the most important for Cindy.

I had read it 2 or 3 weeks after the last time I saw the season I, and it was very cool for remanding (with a lot of good addition!)

Sorry for my bad english.

maxbyfive chapter 8 . 12/10/2006
anazingly well written, and it's really nice to read some insight into original cindy's thoughts throughout the episodes. very well done. :)
Water Block chapter 3 . 8/9/2006
Sad and sweet. (I think I understand the timeline now)

I'm going back to bed now-my head hurts.

Original Cindy is so sweet. Have you seen? SciFi is running Dark Angel on every monday night-four episodes and what not.
Water Block chapter 2 . 8/9/2006
Kinda confused on the timeline of this chapter. Her special pic had been stolen in the prolouge, but in this chapter she still had it.

Great chapter. I really like your portrayl of Cindy's POV
Water Block chapter 1 . 8/9/2006
That was so sad and so sweet. My favorite part of the chapter was when Cindy was talking about Max and her aversion to photos, but still finally gave in for one shot for Cindy.

Great chapter.
meritaten chapter 8 . 2/28/2006
I really, really enjoyed this story. I had read it before and it really stuck in my mind. I had to find it and read it again.
Lorency chapter 8 . 6/23/2004
Wow, Denise!

I love the whole story. I think it's the first time someone put O.C's feelings in to print.

How she feel about her friend and accept the one she is. And that's really good. And I mean REALLY REALLY good.

So I hope you keep up the good work and continue writing in your life. Because girl, you got talent and that is something you shouldn't waste!

Peace out!
Kyre chapter 8 . 10/10/2003
Aw... *sniffle*

What a great way to wind this up...Original Cindy looking back on all her experiences with Max, all the way to the beginning, and realizing Max had been Max all along. I like Tammy's note and her joke. Love the thought of Max and Logan riding Max's Ninja right outside Original Cindy's apartment. I'm not sure I agree with Original Cindy's thoughts in the last long paragraph, but I LOVE the last line! :D

Thank you so much for writing this. I never let myself read it in a hurry because I wanted to enjoy every bit of it, and I have.
Kyre chapter 7 . 10/10/2003

A powerful chapter...Rising was excellent and I'm sitting here going through all those emotions again as I read your expansion of it through Original Cindy's eyes...very well done.

You come up with great explanations for things that went unexplained in the ep-such as Original Cindy not knowing about the condition of her apartment. I also love your attention to detail, such as the lack of numbers on Max's door (I never thought about that!) or Logan using the parking brake so he could turn around and look at Original Cindy.

Lines I like:

-What the guy on the phone actually said

-"Her eyes narrowed slightly as she spoke, and a quick flash of something flitted behind her eyes – guilt, concern, worry, something." (I'd never noticed that! *smacks self on forehead*)

-"You’d think they could squat on, say, the fifth floor. But, no. Skinny-ass has to get the extra two floor workout. Like she even needs it."

-"So who’s gonna take care of Original Cindy?"

-The Bob Dylan quote

-'He put one arm across Max’s chest to anchor her in position while OC moved her legs directly over Logan’s. She glanced at Logan’s arm and looked up at him. "Don’t go tryin’ to feel up my girl while she’s unconscious. Wait until she can enjoy it."' LOL

-Logan saying 'aiight' (What a funny mental image that is!)

-The Flushed reprise and Logan actually admitting he likes Max! Looks like the boy finally realizes how much he likes her and that he can't take her presence for granted. Too bad he forgets that after Kidz. lol

-Max's explanation

My butt's fallen asleep but I'm not moving until I read the epilogue...*clicks link*
Kyre chapter 6 . 9/13/2003
I promise next time I won't take this long to review a chapter...I'm having to reread it and see what I was going to say! lol

Kendra at Jam Pony-talk about the clashing of worlds. :)

This chapter is set up so that Original Cindy goes right from work to the dress shop, but I find it hard to believe that she would wear a nice sweater with nice pants and boots to work. It's not her usual bike-messenger outfit.

Escort job-LOL! Of all the wrong phrases for Max to choose!

I love the conversation in the Jam Pony bathroom. (Wonder if Normal's fixed the can by now?) I can clearly hear Max's voice as she says, "I believe he decided we're morons." The boob conversation is funny, and it's a wonder Max has kept her secret this long, the way she keeps muttering. It had never occurred to me before that Max's back did heal awfully quickly, but this is a great way to get the point across and to make OC go, "Hey...wait a minute..."

Great demonstration of OC's thoughts at Crash.

"Some tall fool." LOL

-You’d think that they was burning money in there by the way the place glows.

-You never know. They might be.

Hee! Both their reactions are right on.

I think this is the first fic I've read that shows what Original Cindy and Daphne did and said in Art Attack, and it's well done. Funny lines, too.

"They don’t live in separate worlds. They live in their own little world." Hee! Very true.
Sara chapter 8 . 9/8/2003
I'd like to inform you I stayed up reading your story instead of going to bed like I should of. I have class in the mornng. But, hey it was a really good story. Original, I've haven't read meny stories from Cindy's point of view, and none that where any good. I'd like to also comend you on sticking to the characters personalities so well, I haven't read a story that has done such a good job of it in a long time. I'd compliment you more, but like I said I need to go to bed. Please write more.
Wyldegod chapter 8 . 9/7/2003
This was a fantastic story. It starts out with the aftermath of the red series and I can't help thinking that it's going to be a second half S1 thing leading up to the end when Logan thinks he loses Max...

Then, it goes back to the beginning and we see Max and her edventures through OC's point of view. A... this isn't done enough, with the OC pov I mean. There needs to be more from OC's point of view... and two, the way the story comes full circle is perfectly wonderful in it's simplicity.

I would have thought there would be more to the OC/Logan conversation in the penthouse when they got her back, but I understand that Logan was worried about Max and OC was shaken up, so no complaints... I did like her thoughts during that time. Thoughts about Max. Thoughts about Logan. Thoughts about herself, though not so many there...

The bit where she woke up on her floor toward the end, the moments (IMAGES) we see running through her mind were outstanding. There was a flow to them that was as stunning as it was intense.

Overall, I like this piece. I like this piece a lot. Again, this was an outstanding story. Excellent job on this one. Stars, high marks, blue ribbons and (insert favorite prize here) all around. You deserve it on this one.
dleep chapter 8 . 9/6/2003
Excellent. I've really enjoyed this story and seeing OC's side of things- it was well written and absolutely perfect.

Thank you.

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