Reviews for Harry Potter and the Vampire Slayer
Kushka chapter 27 . 4/12
Great story
Saphira7 chapter 27 . 12/16/2009
I really liked that story and I can't wait to read the sequel to it! I hope that you also can update your other Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossovers too because they are also really good. In this one I really enjoyed your plot, and the twists that you put in it. I am excited to find out what will happen next.
grimmich chapter 3 . 11/6/2009
grimmich chapter 2 . 11/6/2009
hehehe, looks like sirius may be coming back after all!
grimmich chapter 1 . 11/6/2009
erm... why didn't they just use the door?
Nomma chapter 27 . 11/19/2008
Oh, very good. Well done. Now, let's see about reading that sequel...
tam chapter 27 . 2/23/2008
hey this fanfic is adictive whens the sequel out?
Taeniaea chapter 27 . 2/8/2008
Great Story!
anonymous chapter 5 . 7/17/2007
luv the story but i think it was way over the top by giving every one of them a wand, and does dawn have to be there, she is such a fake ! THEY ARE MUGGLES, with the exeption of willow being the only one who could have believably had a wand if y6ou hadn't said in a previous chapter that she doesn't need a wand and that her magic was different drawing from nature and not from inside herself, a wand would draw power directly from the users core, willow doesn't have a core as she draws her powers from around her, therefore she wouldn't have any point in using a wand, meaning it wouldn't work for her, and buffy and the others cannot draw magic from around them neither do they have a magic core thingy, so they wouldn't be able to do magic even with a magic wand, the magic IS NOT STORED IN THE WAND its just like a tool that draws magic from inside the user, and as they cannot do that the whole every one of them getting a wand really sucked! sorry but its just to ilogical. but i'm really glad angel will be coming into the story, he is kl! - :)
suzy chapter 2 . 7/17/2007
please tell me this is NOT harry/dawn or ron/buffy that would totaly suck, plus will angel be in this, he is really kl, anyhow its a kl story i just hope those pairings don't aply, is spike in this either, (i don't know much about the BTVS movies, i have seen quite a few of them but not all of them so i don't really know much about them they are good though, but i'm a buffy/angel shipper such a cute couple :) are spike and angel both dead by the end of the series (i hope not -) anyhow considering i know next to nothing about buffy the vampire slayer series, its still great though i just havn't gotton around to it, but kl story anyhow!
APS chapter 27 . 1/9/2006
Merry holidays.

Great story,

keep up the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.

Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
medea chapter 15 . 1/5/2006
this is really good!
wiccanfirewolf chapter 27 . 6/25/2005
Raziel Tepes chapter 27 . 1/10/2005
Yeah ! Really good fic ! I will read the sequel now !
Raziel Tepes chapter 16 . 12/27/2004
"Momentarily winded" STOP ! Great mistake ! Vampires can't breathe ! So they can't be winded !

Although I never understood how Spike could smoke...
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