Reviews for The Circle of Four
Bookreader2010 chapter 35 . 7/20/2012
This was a really good story I liked how u put the earth references in it but changed the names to them. I really wish u had kept writing and finished it. Plz write a sequel to this story you are an Awsome writer and if by any chance u do write a sequel could u possibly have nia and Jory be the main characters or talk more about ther abilities plz I am writing some of my own I am having a hard time with theirs since theirs were never really explained that much. Or if u have any ideas could u message them to that would be Awsome
Pandora of Ithilien chapter 5 . 4/17/2005
i like this much. the four are certainly busy. i take it you like references to history, modern society, and history judging by your story. jule s'vern, ups, printing press? odd but creative. good job.
um sumone chapter 18 . 9/4/2004
*exasperated sigh* its so long! dunno if i can finish *inches towards next chapt...* srry but i think ill hafta stop. truth is it had a good plot but now its B-O-R-I-N-G!
wishicouldreadmore chapter 3 . 9/3/2004
srry im confuzzled who's glaki agin?
Jedi Alanna chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
this is a good first chapter, now i'm going to go read the rest
Levarie chapter 36 . 6/3/2004
You could make a sequel. That would be cool because I like this story alot and you are a great author. Please make a sequel.
Levaire chapter 6 . 6/1/2004
I like that you do the appendix. The thing about time and that their are really 365.25 days. I did a science fair on the earths rotation and that is why we have leap years only every four years because add one day and add all the .25 and you have a whole. you of course might already know that.
inyourfaisgirl chapter 24 . 4/17/2004
this is really good, but just so you know, chime is a she, not a him(HE).
xAJxchickx chapter 36 . 3/16/2004
great story keep writing whatever you set your mind to good luck AJ
Arwens-pet-hamster chapter 1 . 3/15/2004
It's really good. Keep writing them, I love reading Tamora Pieace, but particularly Circle of Magic and the circle opens.
Love them! Please write more, even if no one else reads them I will! but they're so good you'll have no problem attracting readers.
Goddess Of The Moon chapter 36 . 3/15/2004
I am SO mad at you! how could you end it! it wasn't even finished! look at all that stuff you could have written about! If ppl don't like the length then they don't have to read it! AH!
Lady Lorene chapter 36 . 3/15/2004
I'm deeply sad that you are ending the story...
:( But, do whatever you feel is right...I couldn't even finish mine, so I guess I understand... Well, hopefully there will be more from you...
Lady Lorene chapter 35 . 3/7/2004
Another great chapter!
Goddess Of The Moon chapter 35 . 3/7/2004
Long time no see! Make some thing fun happen at the caves! Write more! SOON!
llivesinger chapter 35 . 3/2/2004
This is good. Circle fanfic is really rare, I'm glad I'm not one of the only ones writing it anymore! Anyway, great story.
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