Reviews for The Big Chaotic Nameless Parody
Gabby's World chapter 1 . 4/15/2008
What...the...fuck was THAT..? My head is going to implode..-gets aspirin- was good though..Amusing, yes. Funny too. Just gives me a hell of a headache when I attempt to understand what's going on...xP

Nice job.
undertaker99999 chapter 1 . 11/17/2007
this was GREAT!
PaulRap Raptor chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
I like it ,but not the part where Hinata did not Naruto.
Punmaster chapter 1 . 3/25/2007
the scroll must have been booby-traped?a pun?
warpbait chapter 1 . 12/15/2006
oo lala keep writing plz funny funny yuri stuff YAY YURI
dfasf chapter 1 . 4/23/2006
two lesbo's
Ako-si-Uchiha-Sasuke chapter 1 . 1/3/2005
hey! r u insulting me? (;-; i'm an 11 year old girl WAH) anywho ur story is the 1st yuri that i EVER read go you!
lifexlemons chapter 1 . 7/15/2004
I enjoyed the part where Hinata became all evil over Naruto, and then Sakura had to beat her was really funny ;) But i was caught between mildly disturbed when Sakura made Hinata call her master and stuff... Anyways, pretty good fic, keep it up.
SethGecko chapter 1 . 3/13/2004
iT wAs StUpEd DuM!1!11
U r StUpEd GuY!1!
Yes indeed.
I didn't like it. I liekd the intro though. You suck. You started out good, but then it started making too much sense. Yes indeed. I say you go eat a marshmallow and reflect on what you've just done.
kadashi the wandering reviewer chapter 1 . 1/5/2004
O_O;...what the fuck...sukura and sasuke turnered girl action? well, you sure confused me n the whole fight scene. one question: did sakura with pink hair tickle hinata or did sakura who was once a male atac her? confused, and it wasn't that funny anyways.
amazingsora-chan chapter 1 . 9/28/2003
hey, great fic except. I was kinda confused about the whole sakura thing. Can you help me please. you reviewed for my fic and I can't get chapter 2 up because ffn is doing some wierd uploading thing. email PLEASE HELP A POOR GIRL!
Mint Arden chapter 1 . 9/17/2003
LMAO! Yes, I did find this funny. " And a bit confusing. The umm... dark haired Sakura mauling the evil Hinata was a bit "odd". XD And the deus ex machina was marlevous. Pure genius. And of course there's nothing wrong with hot, lesbian action. (Yes, I AM female. Note: and straight) Even though one was really a male. " Well, whatever.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/12/2003
This is a good one! he! Please and no less I will definately like more of this kind of stuff now and then! _
Angle G chapter 1 . 9/11/2003
Haahahaha so seen one that's like well atleast it's not is scared of yaoi;_;.Yuri is cute all though I was confused with the two Sakura' Sasuke is just like Shinji...err...kinda taking advantage over a please write more...but next time can it be bout have Naruto and Hinata exchange bodies then sakura and sasuke will try to help them.

That reminds me*glares at the author* How dare you not update on wuvs that wants more asukakaworu...but oh well...write another one.
Bishiehuggler chapter 1 . 9/9/2003
XDXD Oh my God! This was one of the best parodies I've ever read! Dominant Hinata-chan! XD *glomps Hinata-chan* You'll get Naruto next time! *cackles*
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