Reviews for Family Getaway
Willow-Bee the Cat chapter 16 . 4/9/2013
Absolutely hilarious and adorable.
Leticia Moriarty chapter 16 . 1/5/2013
lol GREAT story :)
roswellian love chapter 16 . 9/2/2010
I am beyond in love with these two and always felt something with them Thanks for laying it all out. Amazing. Max and Alec noo I never felt it it was like a sibling thing But white and Max oh heck yea. Extreme Blaze those two
merthurdrarry chapter 16 . 5/15/2008
I loved your story before all i could think about was alec and max now i love M/A but also whit and max.. are u doin a sequel or at least an update?
murbo2 chapter 16 . 2/23/2008

great story... loved it!

any chances of more?

Megatron chapter 16 . 6/25/2007
This was extremely cute. I've always loved the Max/White pairing
TheyCallMeSmallz chapter 1 . 3/10/2007
I love the White/Max pairing and with Ray in the mix it's so amusing. Inspired me to begin my own fic for those two.
Aimed mischief chapter 16 . 12/3/2006
Laydee Innocent chapter 16 . 4/27/2006
i luved it! great job!
Lightdemondarkangel chapter 16 . 3/11/2006
Do I smell sequel? I certainly hope so!
Tzarista chapter 16 . 2/14/2006
Water Block chapter 16 . 1/23/2006
I was afraid Ray was going to kill someone with that rock-throwing it on someone's head from that height?

I thought the ending was pretty good, but I also would love to see what happens next. If you get motivated/interested in Dark Angel again (Though, I can't see how you could get sick of it), I hope you think of a sequal!

Thank you for writing such a wonderful story! You found a way to make a Ames White/Max pairing actually work! Loved this story!

Bye. (I'm STILL downloading CD's into the computer!)

Water Block chapter 14 . 1/23/2006
I loved this chapter-
Water Block chapter 15 . 1/23/2006
I hate Logan right now. He is so Arrogant, and stupid in here-How could he think he could so EASILY sway Max's feelings for a little boy she thought of as a son? If her feelings were that easily manipulated/spoiled-ugh!

"Virus gone equals happy Max. Happy Max equals Happy Logan.

Happy Logan plus Happy Max equals happy crime fighting family."-Although I have pissed off feelings for Logan, that was cute.

And in the passed week she had seen him shift the cold loathing of her he had with his job and mix it with the warmer side that he held only for his son.-That is such a cool way to look at it. I liked it.

That was an awesome way for them to Kiss, and a great way to leave off the chapter.

I loved this!
Water Block chapter 13 . 1/23/2006
"As White was thinking he hardly registered the voice in the back of his head shouting warnings and abort transmission"-CUte! Only his subconscience knows better, wants to know better, than to be thinking about Max.

I love how he puts her in her place! I loved this chapter from White's POV!

I'm Still Downloading the CD's into our computer. Irrataing!

Actually I'm thinking of how to dispose of your body... -I Loved that!

Oh and Adelle?" he said before walking out. "Her name is Max."-First time he's defended her name, or said it without being a snide prick.

LOved this chapter, even though it was so short!
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