Reviews for Possession
booklover212 chapter 3 . 7/5/2016
Plz update it's been so long since u updated it would be amoroso me if u could finish it
summersun chapter 4 . 2/15/2006
Very well written! I really didn't have high hopes when I wrote "Harry gets possessed" into search engine, and this is the only one with a summary that looked promising. I'm glad I read it now, I enjoyed dark Harry a lot! :)
Twin Tails Speed chapter 4 . 12/8/2005
This was really good and interesting.
lordofminastirith chapter 1 . 3/24/2005
Interesting. Its no wonder that Voldemort was able to posses Harry; he seems to be becoming evil himself.
Briana Marie chapter 4 . 3/18/2004
. . . but . . . huh . . . YOU KILLED GINNY! Okay, I have regained my composure, but . . . how could you kill GINNY? Okay, I swear I really am composed this time. This was an excellent story. I am not a fan of the dark, angsty, bad-Harry fics, but this was very well written, and just really good. I thought you did a wonderful job of bluring the line between Voldie and Harry and I was appropriately scared of Voldie, and a lot of the times I'm just not in some people's fics. The only problem I saw is Remus' kind of "allergy" to silver. In classical mythology, werewolves don't really have an allergy to it, it is just the thing that can kill them, so while I could understand Remus being weary about going near silver, the actual physical reaction to it is technically wrong, according to classical mythology anyway, which is what JKR usually follows, and until she states otherwise, should probably be the general rule. However, that is one minor problem in a generally wonderful fic, so kudos to you. And, I still can't believe you killed Ginny! :o
Kate Lynn chapter 4 . 11/14/2003
Loved your characterization of Voldemort. His interactions with Harry and with Ginny were wondefully done. The writing kept the tone throughout and was really smooth. A great fic. Thanks for it! 8-)

-Kate Lynn
Evilgrinch chapter 1 . 10/27/2003
Thanks for the reviews! :)

I am slowly trying to make my way through your own works, carefully steering clear of Phantom of the Opera (its not really my sort of thing)

Your Hp stuff is great though.

PxW chapter 4 . 10/19/2003
Wow, this is a real fine fiction you have created. Good job, I like the plot even though this story is short.
Lady Evanescence chapter 3 . 9/19/2003
You write Voldemort's character so well! He is able to turn Harry so eaily. And the way he cuts himself whenever he is disloyal, NICE TOUCH! And Ginny. I love what your doing with that situation. Once again, your description amazes me!
Lady Evanescence chapter 1 . 9/19/2003
Wow! Your description is incredible! What a neat story idea! The first paragraph is set up so beautifully! I love how Voldemort could sense his presence as well! Can't wait to read more!
Kate Lynn chapter 2 . 9/18/2003, why would ya be keeping a diary, Harry? ;)

Nice touch, classes getting easier. Tom's quite brainy, lol.

Tom certainly doesn't mind taking out his rage through Harry, does he? Awful comments to Hermione, and Mr. Weasley with the snake! Damn. Nicely written.

Creepy end with Ginny. Interesting that you used the address of Voldemort, rather then Tom, in the second to last paragraph.

Great chapter! I shall review the other two soon. Prob on friday, if we don't have school.
Kate Lynn chapter 1 . 9/18/2003
Yup, finally got time! Ok, here we go:

Oh, the beginning was really well done. Very nice for setting a dark and anxious tone. I loved how Harry's reflection darkened with rage...very well-done.

Oh, yes, what kid wouldn't want to learn to Apparate?

Ohh...Harry's getting angry with Lupin? Something's def up there. Wolfie's too sweet to have someone get angry at him.
Secret Staircase chapter 4 . 9/18/2003
YAY, I finally got here to read this. And e! How brilliant! You seriously write the best climax/action scenes. I loved the stream of memories and thoughts when the Dementors appeared, how Tom's and Harry's minds were so totally intertwined. And Lupin's role was fantastic, too. *Wild applause* Wonderful concept, wonderful fic.
Rc chapter 4 . 9/17/2003
Oh this was good, you were right. It was great, perfect. I'd like to know what happened to Harry though. But then again you'd like to know Who found Ginny's corpse and what was the after match of that, right? Well we all have our own endings, don't we now? But this was very dark...I like...very much...
HoshiHikari chapter 4 . 9/16/2003

wonderful story

too short

it should have been longer

oh well do another one
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