Reviews for Considerations
Bumpkin chapter 1 . 7/18/2008
Hey, read this because my sister said I should - and I really liked it. Umm I did find that you had the ability to receive anon reviews turned off - you might want to switch that over, it might increase the amount of fdk you get (at least by one!)

keep penning,



Marns sister (with no account) says:

I *never* read fanfic unless I'm helping proofread my sister here but I love this show (I'm so Canadian) and she pointed out that there is some fanfic (half written by you apparently) and I just wanted to say that you have well captured the spirit of the show, as well as having a snappy and eloquent style, so congrats and thanks! "A non-fan of fanfic"
Miyo86 chapter 1 . 12/29/2003
This is EXCELLENT!_ I absolutely love it, Its very deep, touching and spiritual! : P
LuckyLadybug66 chapter 1 . 1/4/2001
I luv this lil story of yours! Superb writing!
Mei chapter 1 . 12/31/2000
That was terrific...very touching and it raised a lot of questions over his past. _ Great work!