Reviews for For You I Bleed
killer wolf instinct chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
awesome story bro
Cranksta Who chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
I was so happy to find this! I was starting to think that I was the only one who thought that, perhaps, just a little MORE happened between Vash and Knives while they were wandering around for 20 years. Im surprised at how little of this type of story I can find, most fandoms I know would beg for a pairing like this. I mean Knives is a walking Big-Brother-Complex with a Dominant Alpha Male Attitude and Vash is so sweet, kindhearted...and traumatized to the core. Their relationship just begs for stories like this! I guess I can understand, because, when it comes down to it, I think most people shy away from writing things like this out of either squick or (in my case) a strong aversion to heaping more trauma on Vash... Even though its a high possibility given the way Knives seeks power and cohesion over Vash. Personally, I like your rendition as it seems to straddle the line between Trauma and Tenderness perfectly. If something DID happen between the two, this is EXACTLY how it would of happened in my opinion. Thanks for writing this, its a relief to see that I'm not alone in my veiws!
shit bruh chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
:3 what a cute story.
Viviane Renard chapter 1 . 2/15/2011
I've read this story several times over the years. I can't believe I haven't reviewed it yet! I love the power behind your message, and the misunderstanding between the two twins. Even when they share the same act, it means such different things for both of them. One of my favorite lines (of which there are many in this fic) is:

"If ever there was an omen that his mission was pure, this was it. He turned to see if Vash was feeling the same but found his brother curled up into himself, shivering. Knives studied him for a moment, noting how vulnerable Vash looked right then. Like a child in fear of the unknown."

It shows how Knives views Vash as a child to be protected, and that he thinks Vash's reluctance to following Knives' killing spree is simply because of fear of the unknown. When, in reality, Vash acts out of compassion rather than childish weakness.
Black Fire Neko chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
that was really good i loved it
Kilangirl chapter 1 . 9/1/2009
This was VERY sexy and VERY well written! I loved this! Knives/Vash FOREVER.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2009
I've read this story several times over a span of years (yes, it's that good that I keep coming back to it), and I can't believe I hadn't reviewed it yet... Well, here I am now, a couple years late in saying that this story is amazing. You've pinned the brothers' personalities down to a point, and every action and thought is beautifully in character. I love the depth of your imagery, and how powerful your writing is. You explore the characters' personalities and dreams in such depth, yet you also make it painfully obvious that while we understand the two of them, they can't and never will understand each other.

I love this line: "But when he noticed the red glimmer on his sibling's lip and bent to take it up on his tongue, gazing into Vash's tear-lined eyes at the same time, he could not hold back any longer." To me, that line expresses the epitome of why Knives loves Vash: he loves the idea of something fragile and beautiful having to depend fully on him, and that line in the story is the exact moment that Vash is most vulnerable. Throughout the fic, Knives' first thought is to take care of his brother, but he'll also let Vash flee into a storm (even though he acknowledges that the weather will harm Vash). He seems to almost revel in the fact that after the storm, he gets to play the part of "savior" to the weakened Vash. ("It was either me or the vultures, eh Vash? You really are hopeless," Knives said half to himself as he knelt down and gently shook the pathetic mass at his feet.) Whether you meant to write from Knives' view point or not, Knives' gentle joking makes the phrase "pathetic mass" seem fond. Like when you smile and roll your eyes at a puppy that always runs into tables and knocks over cups (sigh, -that rascal-, he's such a nuisance, but he's so cute when he does it!). I think Knives just likes a reminder once in a while to both himself and his brother of who's the provider and who's the dependent (and therefore who has power in the relationship). And in the end, Vash isn't quite sure about having sex, but Knives just keeps up his gentle pushing and does what he wants anyways. He loves his brother, but he loves the control too. Afterwards, while Vash is hoping the experience will bring them closer together, Knives talks of his ideal with a new sense of "empowerment." In a sense, that was the hottest power struggle I have ever read.

This story is a thinker, and I love it when a story's complex enough to make me read it again to fish around for all the gems buried in its words and phrases. Decent writing lets sentences flow lackadaisically; phenomenal writing wields every single word with precision and purpose. Decent writing is smooth and lets the eyes skim over sentences (pleasant enough to not be remembered, like perfectly played background music); phenomenal writing is so powerful that the mind must crystallize and memorize each word to understand the whole.

I think I've gushed enough. I hope you've gotten from all my rambling just how much I love this story!
Swirly chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
Wow... that was hot. And so very sad TT
Devil's Demon Bird chapter 1 . 10/9/2005
Wow! *Squeals and tackleglomps* Yatta! . oh my, this was fantastic! -b The way you made them act and sound was just incredible! Amazing, ah I'm so jealous! XD Wish I would write like that! _~ Hehe, the last line by! XD Don't know what to say...interesting to say the least! ; *Huggles* I would just LOVE to read more fics like this from you! .

ops, gotta go to class ;

Jya ne!

Yugi's (hyper) Little MoonAngel -
Ax.Zarach chapter 1 . 11/2/2004
Very IC... and the emotional depth given to Knives so that he's not just some psycho without emotions, he really loves his brother with an obsession...

Beautiful, how you've managed to make something appear pure yet tainted at the same time.

Apart from the odd comma needed to seperate a really long chunk in a sentence e.g 'The sight and feeling of his sibling's tongue working over his fingers in such a seductive manner triggered a hot wave of lust in Vash and he growled deep inside his throat', it'd be a good example of writing. Keep it up!
Agar chapter 1 . 9/2/2004
I like how you did the different perspectives. It was interesting to see how they each interperate the same thing completly different. Vash saw their lovemanking as a sign that Knives was becoming more human; Knives took it as his brother's submission. To sides of the same coin, so to speak. It was a great take on their relationship, very in character. My hat's off to you!
Firevega21 chapter 1 . 6/7/2004
0_0. Knivesy-sama sounded rather psycho in the last line. Cool!
Speaker chapter 1 . 11/9/2003
wow. that was good, i'm jealous. you handled everything extremely well, i'm really impressed. write more, definitely.
Oni-Baka chapter 1 . 10/5/2003
Oh wow, this is really good! Your characterization is practically flawless! So dramatic (especially for smut) Good, good, glad it can be done!
Miss Caribbean chapter 1 . 9/22/2003
WOW! that fic was great1 it was beautiful in a way... I AM SO HAPPY that am not the only one out here that likes this kinda of fetish.. Lol ..anyway great fic! you dont see much of these in the W thanks it was a nice treat! Bravo!
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