Reviews for Old Friends, Past Lives
WhatIsUnImAgInEd chapter 12 . 12/18/2012
Absolute pure love for this story. It's brilliant and I really want to know what happens next...
Autumn Moon Fae chapter 12 . 10/1/2012
Great story, please update soon :)
razzle-dazzle1606 chapter 12 . 9/4/2012
I'm not kidding. You update soon or I will set an angry Anamaria on you.
I can't believe how much I hate Frost. You've done an excellent job writing a despicable character, most especially in this chapter. Can't wait for the next!
huh chapter 3 . 3/30/2011
is it punta or *puta*?
Cerisa chapter 11 . 2/14/2010
This always seems to happens. Everytime I find a really good Ana and Jack story, it is never finished. Oh well life does get into the way. Very good story never the less!
RuKkA chapter 11 . 11/29/2009
Hey boo! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this fic, and I would love you a million times more if you updated it! :3 Please. It makes me sad that you haven't updated in forever. 3
Katarina Sparrow 19 chapter 11 . 11/26/2007
OMG OMG OMG OMG wait for it...OMG! That was the most amazing thing I've ever read! WHY WHY WHY DID YOU STOP THERE! Write more. please. SO Awesome!
Hope-W chapter 11 . 12/15/2006

Why didi you stoped with it?

Please keep writting it!
Captain Matey chapter 11 . 8/13/2005
I LOVED the story. I can not wait untill thethe next chapter. That's if your still going to write an other chapter because it's been quite long. :(. Good job.
Amber Myst chapter 11 . 7/25/2005
OMG! That was awesome! You just haven't updated in oh...7 months! *cries inside* This is really a great fic, update soon, please? Ciao!

Amber Myst
cal chapter 11 . 1/13/2005
HEY! i'm back to post a proper review! :) my heart ached for the poor hellcat when she watched her home & her man sail away. :( i so wanted Jack to come back & offer her the comfort she was seeking. my mouth went dry when Ana was wondering what kind of "jobs" she would be required to perform for her new bastard of a captain because i could just guess some of the duties the asshole had in mind. :( i laughed when Ana was thinking of the things she was hoping she would be responsible for. i have a feeling that the lass won't be that lucky! :( i cringed for Ana when Captain Asshole noticed that she was trying to be invisible. :( it's been awhile since i've read this tale that first i was confused when he addressed her as "Cecilia." i was looking all around & wondering why Ana was responding to "her" name. oh! i SO wanted to punch the evil bastard in his smug mouth when he sweetly told Ana to change her facial expression! : if anyone knows about ugliness, it would be Frost! :( i felt bad for poor Ana when she was trying to prevent her real feelings from showing. :( LOVED the sentence where you mentioned that Frost slithered over to her! how appropiate for the reptile! :) i wanted to scream when Frost was being so damned oily & lecherous with Ana & really wanted to run him through with a dull & rusty cutlass when he *touched* her in such a familiar way! : LOVED Miss Ana's very cold reply to his words & his manhandiling of her person! :) argh! i saw red when he was telling Selena that he would be damned if he had a woman walk around his ship in breeches! : i so wanted Ana to smack him! LOVED her snarled reply to his insult! :) i saw CRIMSON when the asshole didn't like her backtalking & he slapped her! :( for that transgression alone, the bastard must *die*! :) i hated him even more when he mentioned Jack. i was a little surprised when the sisters managed to have a semi-civilized conversation considering how their previous reunion went! :) my heart ached for Ana when she was thinking that she'd prefer an "honorable" death rather than having to endure thehorrors & humilations that Frost was sure to have in store for her. :( i cheered her on when she was telling Selena that she'd already been down that awful road of being Frost's slave & she wasn't intrested in doing it again! YAY! GO ANA! :) i thought it was a little odd when the riled females suddenly turned almost chummy when they were discussing the ins & outs of running a ship. i laughed the reasons that Ana gave Selena when she told her that occassionally she or Gibbs would steer the ship. "captain's vacation?" sounds nice, but only if it does NOT involve Jack going off for a bit of whoring! : i thought it was a bit intresting when Ana realized that she couldn't think of a reason why she trusted Jack. apparently the hellcat doesn't know that in some matters, the heart is smarter than the head! :) i enjoyed Ana's analysis of her captain & found it to be spot-on. does she know him or what? :) i laughed when Ana was rather evasive about answering Selena's question regarding Jack & a physical relationship. did i miss/forget something? or was Ana just referring to their sweet, torturous teasing that they (& we) both seem to enjoy so much? :) i liked it when Ana was very adamant in telling Selena that their respective captains were nothing alike! :) i LOVED it when Ana was showing Selena the light about Frost & what a true coward he really was & cheered the hellcat as she educated her sister on the real world! :) LOVED the last 'graph! *sigh* it made my heart full of love & pride for Ana! :) as i said in the baby review, i'm beginning to not hate Selena as much as before. but, that, of course, is because of Ana's influence! :) can't wait for the next chappy! Ana in a dress! & her "duties"! :( keep up the great work & please post us more & soon! :)
cal chapter 11 . 1/3/2005
hey! sorry, but no time for the regular long review! :( this was FANTASTIC! :) i really, REALLY hate that bastard for hitting Ana! :( makes me salivate for the moment our girl gives that piece o' shit his comeuppance! :) i'm starting to like Selena a bit, it must be her sister's influence! :) keep up the great work & please post us more & soon! :)
anon chapter 11 . 12/23/2004
Wow this srory is absolutely AMAZING! You've made it so the plot unfolded slowly, but really well! These last few chapters have been full of suspense, and please keep updating - 'cos as long as you're updating I'll definitely keep reviewing. Well done...
Johnnycakesdepp chapter 11 . 12/21/2004
Whyy! WHY! WHY did you stop? I was lovin' it like McDonalds! When Frost slapped Anamaria I wanted to beat the -Shit-aki mushrooms out of him!That's gonna be interesting how Frost and Anamaria play out. I wonder how Jack is feeling and what he is thinking while he's back on his ship? Hm... The ending was beautiful! Please don't keep up waiting as long as you did for the next chapter!
dreamofdesire chapter 10 . 9/8/2004
Why were you writing this chapter on the roof? HAHA Jack's face when Ana called him a eunch was priceless. Kick ass chapter, update soon.
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