Reviews for Fortress Around The Heart
Guest chapter 24 . 8/6
Started good, became awful Mary Sue Twilight.
Guest chapter 21 . 8/6
She's a disgusting cheater. What is this stupid love triangle...Twilight? Completely ruined this story with that crap.
JTFrost chapter 8 . 6/3
Dude. This story is good stuff. I can't stop reading it.
Anakin chapter 20 . 4/16
I love this story! You've captured human nature so well. I love the balance between Irulan and Legolas, I think it's very realistic and understandable of what we know of elven nature for them to act the way they do and justify their actions as such.
firerosedreamer67 chapter 26 . 3/6/2019
What an interesting story!...The fight for love down the tracks of time!...To deny what is in her heart , to live and yet not!... To put up such walls against it and still fight for what?! Independence ? That will never come ? Such denial! Such will power!..All to gain freedom to live an empty life?!...It is their lot to live thusly, pushing and pulling, gaining and losing until later time runs out...
Astarria chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
I just need to have this in my favorites
Raider-k chapter 26 . 7/31/2018
*Sigh* I have read this story before, more than once. And every time I am struck by your beautiful descriptions and story-telling. Fortress remains one of my all time favs.

So even though I can't leave another signed review, i had to leave you another note, because I read the recent trashy reviews, none of which fairly depict what a lovely romance this fic is.
misleadlegolasfa chapter 5 . 7/3/2018
warn us about the ofc, warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc, warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc, warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc, warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,warn us about the ofc,etc
Guest chapter 4 . 7/3/2018
very -centric and no warning...
youdondeservtokn chapter 3 . 7/3/2018
i was trying to read a fic lego-centric,no are trying to atract readers don warning?
well, i hope they say how this fell...more energetic with hope.
youdondeservtokn chapter 3 . 7/3/2018
its rude write a fic about a stranger and dont say-_
Afshan chapter 10 . 11/16/2017
You just ruined this story for me in one sentence...she should bend her will(you never mentioned he should bend his will too.. Instead u said he should do everything in his power to fullfill her will) some things should be given equaly... I read in next chapter that u are humanist now not a feminist..maybe you are a bit of anti-feminist too now..legolas went from adorable and nice to anti femi and manipulative.. And at the same time you are insisting on virtues and senstivity of eldar.. I felt like that in irulan(other story) sometimes but it was less pronounced..often these words like taking mention of feminism but so much against it..there is no need for this in every romance story this some kind of new propaganda to change women...ruined such a good story.
E chapter 14 . 11/22/2016
Joan is acting like a bitch.
E chapter 5 . 11/22/2016
I would've told him that I was "healing from a bad relationship" and to "go fuck off, bitch."
E chapter 3 . 11/22/2016
She is prettier than Estel...
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