Reviews for Miracle
Unfortunate screwball chapter 1 . 4/6/2009
Takarazuka! Is all I have to say. lol
snowpsyche chapter 1 . 1/9/2009
You're not insane at all! This was a very clever, original story. I really liked it.
Kiros Razer chapter 1 . 9/25/2007
I thought it was rather nice.

I like hearing about Juri/Shiori.
Sacul chapter 1 . 7/8/2005
I thought this was great. You really captured what Juri was all about and you're writing style really easily allowed me to visualize everything that happened.

My arm hurts...
Shsway chapter 1 . 12/25/2003
I love it. The way you portray Jury is a bit different from a lot of the stories I've read. Sure, we've seen the fencing captain condemn herself before, but in this story she condemns herself for not allowing Shiori to fully understand her importance, with no strings attached or misunderstanding. They never had a calm, measured conversation about things (obviously because it's also not within Jury's nature to discuss things this way).
It's not so much an examination of her feelings for Shiori as it is an examination of what she has been able to accomplish because of those feelings. That joy and yearning she finds within her and uses to keep going.
I also like how casual and real her explanations of how love happens are. You can't remember the beginning - a part of you loves without fully understanding the emotion, how it surfaced or why it never goes away. You've managed to capture those ideas very well.
Amona chapter 1 . 10/26/2003
Great insight into Juri's personality!
DominaRegina chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
Insane? Maybe... But definitely unique. I like the point of view and situation you put this in... A different, but very satisfactory way to go about Juri's thoughts.
sutaretagaisce chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
As I said before, this was a wonderful story. The monologue flows wonderfully and doesn't hitch even though it's not internal and such self-disclosure of a character is hard to write convincingly, for which I applaud you. The tangents where she refrains from becoming emotional is very in-character, as I especially loved the lines "She could have just asked me for a sword. It wouldn't be the first time I lent one out." Both hinting and misleading, just like the ending. Still wonderfully done.
kino amiko chapter 1 . 10/21/2003
that was kinda cute _ i never even suspected the ending _ thanks! -amiko kun
Myself The Great chapter 1 . 10/20/2003
Awesome XD I love that whole one-side-of-the-convo style. Very nice. Excellent job.