Reviews for Call Me Tomorrow
Ugly kagura chapter 1 . 5/21
Kagura is a bitch she doesn't even match for sesshomaru or any character she isn't worth for anyone in the series she's a selfish backstabbing bitch using Sesshomaru for her personal gain sesshomaru doesn't love her plus she is long dead stop making her pair with anyone in the series not even naraku
RW chapter 1 . 11/15/2019
Hey, I just wanted to let you know on the off chance that you still check this account that I read this fic when I was a kid just getting into the wide world of fanfiction. I loved it so much that I'd print chapters off using the family printer and take them to bed to read. It's always stuck out to me as one of the most formative fics to me for whatever reason, to the point where I could still remember the title all these years later.

Anyway, due to a completely unrelated set of circumstances, I now work as a full-time phone sex operator (it's a lot more fun nowadays than you'd think). Weird how things turn out!
jtdarkman chapter 33 . 11/2/2019
1st of all read all 33 chapters in one night lol I fell in love with story and I had no idea how much I would like jack/ban together (I even went back and watched a few episodes of the together and realized I’ve been secretly rooting for them for awhile) but you really made it mesh well. I know this id very old but I’ll be damned if it isn’t by far one the absolute best seas/kagura stories on the internet lol thanx for the ride thus far and please keep on writing. I know it’s a shot in the dark and you’ve probably moved in to bigger and better things but know you have made a new fan and I’m thoroughly impressed and pleased beyond recognition with this fic. Thank you so much for this
jtdarkman chapter 11 . 10/31/2019
Had to stop at the I want to be free comment that was perfect ( chocked me up a little bit too )
ZophToko chapter 18 . 7/10/2018
Guest chapter 33 . 6/4/2016
I know this is discontinued because you moved on from the fandom and aren't interested in Inuyasha anymore but this story is good, and if I say it is, nitpicky as I am, then you can be sure your story is really, really good. Your writing is flowing and fresh, the characterization right and most of all I appreciated that you haven't used any of the overused fanon tropes that plagues the majority of the works in this fandom. I just hope that you'll keep writing, that one day you rediscover Inuyasha as I did and maybe at least tell us how this lovely work would have ended if you had completed it. Maybe I just want to see Kagura happy after all these years, that's all.
ddddaaaae chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
sesshomaruandrin . blogspot . com
sesshomaruandkagura . blogspot . com
SaiyaCat chapter 33 . 10/14/2015
Oh Please UpDate.
SaiyaCat chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
So Awsome Please UpDate
MegKY chapter 33 . 10/5/2015
I see. I went to your profile and I'm relieved. So you decided to discontinue Inuyasha fics permanently because the series has ended. I understand. I'm glad to see your last submission in 2012. It means you did see our reviews, but anyway, since you've made your decision - okay. I'm glad to know you're fine, and that you just chose a different path. You are after all the author and I respect your decision.
MegKY chapter 1 . 10/5/2015
Hello author. I'm reviewing in chapter one, but I have read this story when I was 13 years old. I'm 19 now. I am awestruck by your brilliant writing and characters. You have are a great author and this is one of the best fanfics I have read. It's been 10 years already, and I have lost count on how many times I've come back to this just to see if you have updated it. An author's note would be fine, or a summary. BUT PLEASE, SAY SOMETHING! GIVE SIGNS OF LIFE! UPDATE THIS STORY USING ANOTHER ACCOUNT! PM ME, HOW ARE YOU? We don't know what has happened to you, and I am worried because you are dedicated to this story, I can infer. And you've even got a preview, which means you've got it all figured out, but you vanished suddenly. I have a fanfic account now, so I don't review as anon, but I did review this story twice as a guest. I love it. I will never stop loving this story, coming back here from time to time with a glimmer of hope. Looking at the positive reviews, if you're still looking, I hope you find the inspiration. I would love to see this story brought to life again. How are you? Where are you now?
Eion1783 chapter 33 . 5/19/2015
already 10 years... is the story still going to be updated?
Puppi chapter 33 . 7/23/2014
I know this story will never be finished... but it doesn't stop me from hoping. Just letting you know that I've read this at least 5 times in recent history. :)
Rykouma Jikitsu chapter 1 . 6/21/2014
wench i hate kagura
Karush chapter 33 . 4/19/2014
hi, i read your story Abouy 200 times and i fall in love with it over and over again!
it's amazing!in character and super intersting!
so please. are you going to post the rest of it? it's been almost 10 years!
thank you
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