Reviews for The Strength of the Soul
Hilda-and-N chapter 10 . 3/18/2014
Forgive me for not reviewing with my actual account- log in isn't working, but the above name is my pen name if you wish to reply to this review.
All I can say is "Wow." This is so heart-shatteringly beautiful and magnificent and amazing and-
Just, wow. A good idea would be an epilogue about how Delia copes with the news of her son's death and the monumental political and emotional events that are sure to pursue the colossal 'final battle' you have written here. I have fallen in love with your writing. Please, keep writing (pst.. I'm now a fan of yours... like, for eternity)
Yankee718 chapter 10 . 8/25/2013
This is one of the best story i've read I really enjoyed reading especially the final chapter I still cant get my head around it just WOW
Organ Man chapter 10 . 4/19/2012
Yet another story I couldnt stop reading. Excellent work. Though I personally would've humiliated that bastard a lot more, dwelt on his reactions to his plans crumbling around him. Ah, the road not taken.
Billybombalid chapter 10 . 3/12/2011
Very well written, and I also particularly enjoy the detail with which you describe certain cases, as for example the part where Jensen gets shot. Perhaps a suggestion could be, that when you write about pokemon, you could mention them in battle (during 'violence' scenes, you only used weaponry, nice variation with the guns by the way).

l chapter 10 . 8/9/2010
congratulations! i have officially exploded. i hope you're happy. but seriously though, that was an amazing story. and in some of your author's notes, you say things like "this chapter is suckish" but it's really not. you need more self-confidence! say it with me: Anysia is an excellent author!
l chapter 1 . 8/8/2010
i am about to explode. this first part hit me harder than J'attendrai, but there's no way i can stop reading now. i have been sucked in and have almost cried twice, and that's just from reading the prologue! i feel like such a sap. but anyway, this is such a good plot and i love it. thank you.
Aiselne Phoenix Nocturnus chapter 10 . 4/16/2009
(Overall review) Bravo! This story is so beautifully written and intense (in every way) from start to finish. It effectively brings out the adult side of the Pokemon world, in the midst of a gorgeous/dramatic romance story. You should be very proud of this story.
KevenKitsune chapter 10 . 3/2/2009
One of THE best Drama/Romance Pokemon stories that I've read. I just wish there could be a sequel to it like somehow they had survived. You are a very talented writer. I like long stories like this and I hope you write more stories like this exept not having the hero die at the end.
pikagurl23 chapter 10 . 1/6/2009
By far one of the best, edge of your seat, dramatic, jaw dropping, cliff hanger fics I've read in a long while. And though you no longer write pokemon fanfiction, just wanted to say that it was a pleasure reading this piece of work and I wish you good luck in your current fanfiction endeavors.

Keep up the great work and thanks!
Shadow in the Rain chapter 1 . 1/21/2008
this is AMAZING-can't wait to read the next chapter. :D
poka chapter 6 . 7/19/2007

*tosses knife up and down and throws it, just missing*
Dragon Master Paul chapter 2 . 6/20/2007
i cant believe it over i read it for 4 hours straight and im still crying that its over this is like an epic ending to my childhood
Dragon Master Paul chapter 1 . 6/20/2007
almost forgoy my email is p. id apreciate it
Dragon Master Paul chapter 10 . 6/20/2007
Great story the best i have ever read im so glad you made it it made me laugh and it made me cry. i was a huge pokemon fan growing up and i will never forget this story thank you very much.

no criticism but can u email me and tell me why you didnt really use any pokemon in this story
A Parliament of Owls chapter 2 . 6/4/2007
I've never read any of your humor fics so I can't really compare, but I do think that this story has been a little melodramatic so far. The writing is excellent, but there are a few (small) plotholes in my opinion.

I don't understand why or how Misty could be forced to kill Ash since the price of failure seems to be her own death and she cares enough about him to die for him. Nor can Ash's death be held against her because he's going to die anyway, and if refuses to carry out her mission, he would die at the hands of somebody else instead of forcing her to go through with all that emotional turmoil.

But that's probably just me being nit-picky and for a person who's never done drama before, this is a very good beginning to what will no doubt be a very good piece of writing. There's no offense meant by this review, just a bit of constructive criticism.
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