Reviews for Tying Ties
GuesssWho chapter 1 . 8/8/2007
Poor old Smith . . .
Baku chapter 1 . 8/21/2004
Aw...;-;...Poor Smithie..;-;...
All Mighty Terrestrial chapter 1 . 4/12/2004
Wow. So confused. So perfect. A shattered Smith, and the story makes sense. Good job.
MollyTheWanderer chapter 1 . 11/23/2003
Molly: Wah! Poor Smith, but you know, he kinda got what he deserved...he needs a really big hug right now. (huggles Smith)

Smith: What are you doing?

Molly: (steps back) Sorry.

Bye. _
Beth-Star chapter 1 . 11/22/2003
Poor smith! Very good fic, i feel even more sorry for him than i did before now!
Panzer chapter 1 . 11/22/2003
A sad read, but atleast ol' Smith is still there and not (dare I say) deleted. Good job.
SithRuse chapter 1 . 11/21/2003 this was just plain cool. So utterly tragic, beautiful in it's sadness. I love it. I would adore seeing more on this...PLEASE! Let him come out and see the humans! I can't help it...I love Smith, even if he was the darkside. I read something of an essay on how when he and Neo merged, they became the One-the whole. Maybe you could make something of that? Anything!

Oh, I know this is art enough to stand on it's own...I guess I'll have to just picture Smith emerging. *sniff* Excellent, excellent piece.
Digital Buddha chapter 1 . 11/21/2003
Once again, a perfect story. :)
lotrmatrixstarwarsfan chapter 1 . 11/21/2003
this is so sad... i think i was about to cry over smith. And the loss of purpose must be demoralising. poor guy realises he doesnt even know how to tie a tie. really, raelly well written fic.
Anulrom Ratsirve chapter 1 . 11/20/2003
::Busts into abandoned building to rescue poor Smithie:: AW! Poor baby! Let me kiss it better! ::Helps Smithie out into her car and drives him away to secret safe house:: Very nice fic, just too sad! Well, it is agnst I guess, but still...