Reviews for The Bugger files
SetPhasers2Stun chapter 17 . 1/27/2012 hilarious! Im guessing this won't be up-dated... anyhow, the 007 thing was awesome :)
LoyaulteMeLie chapter 17 . 1/13/2012
I absolutely howled with laughter over this story. The terrible thing is that I can absolutely see Malcolm thinking like this behind his 'stiff-Brit' facade! Brilliant!
ebonie89 chapter 15 . 1/12/2010
I needs more bugger files plese!

They were so funny they brought me to tears!
Gilraen Luinwe chapter 17 . 9/18/2005
HI! I'm new to the fandom! PLEASE WRITE MORE! This is TOTALLY hillarious. I can't believe how little you people update! But I guess I'm just pampered...

So, yeah, you have the honor (or horror and shame) of being the first person I've reviewed in this fandom for like ages (I used to read some of these fics like, two years ago, but then school started distracting me...evil school)

Just to let you know, I'm campletely and totally insane...and I'm crazy about Reed/Sato. They're just so perfect for each other...

HAHAHA...the calendar...that's funny...I like!

So, long story short (too late! _), I love, you write more, you get more reviews, we're all happy.

Lozalot chapter 17 . 7/7/2005
Good... good.. i love this story...

it never fales toi put a grin on my face... i laugh so hard my cheeks hurt!

you must rite more!

more funny!

torment Malcolm!

let him get his own back!
The One Forgotten chapter 17 . 7/1/2005
OMG...OMG...*breathless laughter*...this is just TOO BLOODY FUNNY! LOL! I love it...006...Smurf Man...this is absoluetly brilliant. Thank you. I haven't laughed this much in ages. I loved the first chapter and it just got better from there. Can't wait to see if there's more. Please...? Malcolm's revenge...?
Wrenn8811 chapter 17 . 6/2/2005
Wonderful, amazing love the humour
Sci F.I. Warper chapter 17 . 6/1/2005
OMG! I can't breath! I'm choked with laughter! This story gets better and better. Nice tribute to Quantum Leap by the way. Can't wait for the next chapter.
scarletwitch0 chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
OMG! I just read chapter one and almost choked on my spit!. I'm going to read the other chapters now!
Cannot Unsee chapter 17 . 4/21/2005
Write MORE! I love it, it made me laugh pretty darn hard that i was worried the teacher would come to see what i was looking at... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WRITE MORE!
Gypsy Lupin-Black chapter 17 . 4/21/2005
OMG... more soon!
The Libran Iniquity chapter 17 . 4/21/2005
*is unable to type at this present moment due to the unholy effort of trying not to laugh out loud in the middle of college library*

[And from the TLI Automated Review Service (c)]: Excellent!

(ok, so the system still has a few bugs in it, will be working in longer responses soon ;) )
HoVis chapter 17 . 4/20/2005
Thankyou so much for updating! This is hilarious! Poor Malcolm... but I wish I could see that poster... hehehe
Cha Oseye Tempest Thrain chapter 17 . 4/20/2005
Well, I know in my universe who would have done it... in which case revenge would not be a good plan.

I love this... you are more evil than Hess could even imagine. Which is very, very evil.

soultoast chapter 17 . 4/19/2005
I vote for slow sadistic revenge... that involves Trip nude... or Travis. Not that I have a thing for hot shirtless men, oh no... But yay for this story. "Little Britain" was good, but depressing. This story gives me the joy. I should write some Enterprise fic again, but I keep getting distracted. Anyways, good fic, highly enjoyable, and once again, you've nailed Malcolm perfectly.
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