Reviews for Falling Out
The Muse of Apollo chapter 1 . 5/30
That was really good. I was never a fan of Leo in season 5
Arpad Hrunta chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
Stupid new system... Apologies for the blank post.

Great story. It's an interesting take on what it would take for Josh to leave the White House after the Carrick debacle, something I have thought of tackling myself. The medical issue adds an extra interesting dynamic.

I found your portrayal of Leo quite interesting. Wanting to punish Josh, but not wanting him to go. It's something I can see, actually.
Arpad Hrunta chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
Type your review here...
tyler chapter 1 . 12/26/2012
one of the best Au west wing fics. is there going to be a sequel?
LoreleiZabini chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
This is without a doubt my favourite west wing fanfic of all time. An absolute pleasure to read!
uwprincess chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
This is very well written. I can't believe what a bad guy you made Leo. Of course, if he made Josh leave he would be the worst. Josh and Donna's relationship development was perfect and good use of the medical details. I guess Josh really would be on a lot of meds after the shooting and I never really thought about that. Well done.
Tigerfanfrv chapter 1 . 12/14/2004
i feel bad for josh, he always to end up in the hospital in you fics. hehe. but what better way for those two to get together. love it. :-}
scullyseviltwin chapter 1 . 6/2/2004
Anonymity of Boston? SCUZE? Hey, it may be a big, little city... but I love it. ;-) You're story is great. Characterization was GREAT... and I loved the way you wrote CJ.
Dreamscapes Symphonic chapter 1 . 12/5/2003
Sucks that he had to leave but everything was ok in the end, i guess.
really really long. took a while to read. i think my eyes are falling out of my head. but it's really good
AlickyNicholas chapter 1 . 11/30/2003
Oh. My. Word. This is the best post-Carrick fic I've ever read. I only wish they'd realized that it was Sam, along with Will and Josh, sitting on top of that ice berg.
I don't usually like to see Leo portrayed this way, but he's been bringing it on himself lately. Somebody needs to take his crankypants away from him before he's the only one left in the building.
Seriously, *excellent* job with this!
StarTraveler chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
I loved it! Leo got what he deserved
Ivy3 chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
From the very moment I started reading this I was drawn to it. This is one of the best West Wing fan fics I've read, especially since it deals with my favorite character and his PTSD, and his romance with Donna. I was saddened when he left (hopefully only in fiction!) and kept wishing there was another way. His relationship with Leo was left on a real bitter note, and that's a shame, but also realistic. In short, I loved this fic and hope you write more!
ILoveObi-Wan chapter 1 . 11/28/2003
WOW... that was amazing! Your portrayal of Josh was stunning. I was shocked when the story ended without Josh and Leo reconciling, but to be honest it makes the story all the more realistic. Not all parts of our life end the way we would hope. I was disapointed in Toby I have to say, I would have thought he would have been more understandning.
I hope you have many more stories for us rabid Josh-Aholics!
natlski chapter 1 . 11/28/2003
I was so delighted to read a new story. The imagery was fabulous and you do such a marvelous job of writing everyone! I was hoping the Josh and Leo would resolve things by the end and was disappointed that Josh never told Leo about his health. Very real, and well written.
looking forward to your next work (and hopefully an update of the Joshua Monologues!)