Reviews for Get to Me
Prof-the F.R.I.E.N.D.S fanatic chapter 2 . 2/12/2013
So sweet...but just for a moment I need to 'yell' at you...

You are so mean for making me think they slid off the road in a crash! Evil, evil, evil.

But apart for me feeling unhappy about that little trick, wonderful story.
hugefriendsfan00 chapter 2 . 6/14/2012
loved it
Leavingyoubehind chapter 2 . 11/18/2007
Really great story! I love it!
tilulation chapter 2 . 6/23/2005
Loved it! so sweet! :)
DanielFactoid chapter 2 . 3/3/2005
Aww I loved it! GREAT. keep writing, Chandler was so CHANDLER! yayayayayyay you made my day!
LetMeSlipAway chapter 2 . 12/12/2004
Very cute. I like it. :) Sophia London Bing. That's actually really weird, 'cause I have friend who's sister is named Sophia, and then I have a friend who's name is London. That's awesome.
Afterglow04 chapter 2 . 8/12/2004
Hey, I really liked this story. Short but sweet :D
february1381 chapter 2 . 12/8/2003
Wow! Good story. I liked it so much. Even though the beginning of the 2nd part confused me a bit (I was like "Why would she do this? It seems like it's supposed to be a happy story.) Anyways, good luck on your finals (I totally agree with you about the inventor being shot:)) and I can't wait to read whatever it is that you have in store for us next.
Llew chapter 2 . 12/8/2003
Wow, this was really great. After the first chapter I thought Sophie would be some kind of christmas elf helping Chandler to get home at time. But your drama joke was good too. lol.
lilmisswriter11 chapter 2 . 12/8/2003
OMG that was so sweet! You are an awesome writer, please keep writing!
SFGrl chapter 2 . 12/8/2003
This was so adorable! I'm so happy he made it in time! Great story!
Now give me a cookie. ;-)
Maddy chapter 2 . 12/8/2003
Aw I loved it, so cute! Write another one!
MonicaKateBingCastle chapter 2 . 12/7/2003
Aww! How sweet! Somehow I knew Mon was in labor LOL and I had a feeling they'd namne her Sophoe! I loved it. It was great!
Shanequa chapter 2 . 12/7/2003
Great story, child. can't wait for your next one
anhonestmoose chapter 2 . 12/7/2003
great fic! you know, one of the lyrics in the song is "through a telephone wire", now if the guy/girl singing the song reckons we can travel through telephone wires surey it's not that much hassle to send me my cookie? please?
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