Reviews for Silver Wings
Akina Tsukana chapter 9 . 5/31/2004
aw kawaii! man i love shuyin and lenne more more each time i read a new chapter!
Akina Tsukana chapter 8 . 5/31/2004
O_O oh god shuyin is definitely about to screw up but then it's not his fault! but great chapter and so far your story rocks my lame ass!
Akina Tsukana chapter 7 . 5/31/2004
gr that's so messed up i wish someone would kidnap her and tie her up so that she would never leave zanarkand and shuyin and lenne wouldn't die...
Akina Tsukana chapter 6 . 5/31/2004
wow shuyin said no to sex? when he stopped so surprising...he's so cool!
Akina Tsukana chapter 5 . 5/31/2004
aiye *shakes head sadly* shuyin and lenne are so cute together too *sigh*
Akina Tsukana chapter 4 . 5/31/2004
wow lenne can be such a ditz i couldn't help but laugh at her attempts to make conversation lol she's worse than me!
Akina Tsukana chapter 3 . 5/31/2004
aw man i like shuyin more now at first when playing the game i just thought...there was nothing more to his character but lenne, but you gave him more meaning and that's awesome...i'm starting to like him more than tidus O_O
Akina Tsukana chapter 2 . 5/31/2004
omg this is getting good! and shuyin is such a play boy! lol man i love how he confused the girls but they still wanted him! he's awesome.
Firebird 13 chapter 21 . 5/29/2004
Well, given the fact that i already knew how this would end, it wasn't as sad as it would've been if i hadn't. also, It's amazing how well you tie this story in with FFX, that is the single best thing about this fic. Now, time for me to read SW2!
Dreammergurl2007 chapter 21 . 5/28/2004
This is a REALLY REALLY GREAT story, i mean as soon as i come home i want to immediatly want to come in an read your stories. This story was so sweet the way lenne and shuyins love would bring them together, but i feel really bad that shuyin had to starve to death. I mean i was completly OBSESSED with finishing reading a story, i mean for the past 3 days i would get up a half an hour early an come downstairs and read the story. During that time i also read Silverwings 2 and Silverwings 3. Check out my reviews for those as well.

Omega Devin chapter 1 . 5/24/2004
I'm sorry to have to contact you through your reviews, but I couldn't find an e-mail address.
Thank you for informing me about the steal. Unsurprisingly, I've dealt with her before. She stole another one of my stories, and then four peices of my artwork, which were posted on Elfwood. I got those taken down, but now this? *pulls hair in frustration*
The really sad thing is, I knew her. We talked on-line for years about anime, writing, and whathaveyou. To find this out is really...shattering...
Once again, thank you for informing me.
Firebird 13 chapter 3 . 5/24/2004
You pulled that line off of FFX didn't you. When Shuyin is talking to Lenne about the sunrise. This was a very good chapter and now that we see Shuyins softer side, I'm liking it even more. Bye for now
Firebird 13 chapter 2 . 5/24/2004
This is a very good story and I really appreciate the information you gave at the beginning of this chapter although i still have a hard time with the whole Tidus/Shuyin thing. It just bothers me that my fave character from FFX is technically the same guy as my least faveorite character from FFX-2. Oh well, at least Tidus comes back at the end of FFX-2. I like this fic alot and you can bet I'll continue to read it.
Akina Tsukana chapter 1 . 5/1/2004
wow great first chapter! you had the same theory that I had about the whole tidus/shuyin thing. Tidus was made after someone who existed in Zanarkand 10 years ago, and it was weird how he and shuyin looked alike. Tidus had to be made from the idea of shuyin. And when you fought shuyin at the end of X-2 he did all of Tidus's moves. Honestly I thought they wanted to make an evil tidus and decided to just give him a diff name so they wouldn't really ruin tidus's fanbase.
ShadowSnake27 chapter 20 . 4/25/2004
I cant wait for the sequil!
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