Reviews for Prayer
Anera527 chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
Brilliant. The ending stole my breath away, it was that amazing. That was just the thing I needed to read right now- thank you so much for writing this! :)
Larner chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Prayers can managed to move mountains, and to awaken those willing to do so.
LadyoftheShield chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
I think it's beautiful
SadistiKitteh chapter 1 . 7/31/2005
omg! this coulda made me cry! and it did! omg! i luv it!
Ariel3 chapter 1 . 1/13/2004
I could have sworn I reviewed this already but I guess not. This is lovely... just perfect - you have managed to get the same touch as Tolkien - spiritual without being preachy. Brilliant! I am consistently astonished by your work. Please do more of it.
Aratlithiel1 chapter 1 . 1/12/2004
I have such a soft spot for the Merry & Frodo relationship and you've put so much feeling into this. Melancholy, sorrow and regret all swirled into delicious angst then topped with hope. Wonderful combination and thank you so much for sharing this.
noelle chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
this is really touching... im so glad someone has actually written something like that, its really good!
Yahiko chapter 1 . 1/8/2004
oh that was so kwii _ Merrys so cute (Frodo too.)I loved it!
cpsings4him chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
I LOVED this! Well written and beautiful! Count me among the teary-eyed while reading this! Someone said in another review that they didn't remember Merry being like that in the book...well, something about the very possible impending death of one dearly beloved has a way of loosening the tounge and the emotions as little else can. Great Job! Got any more?
Zaira chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
Thanks for writing this. I love the healer hall
scenes in Tolkien's book - they always stir me.
I am so sorry that they did not include them in
the movie!
Frodo has such a powerful relationship with the
other hobbits. You did a great job of showing
one aspect with his favorite cousin.
sunni chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
Wow...all I can say That was really moving. I mean, who do hobbits and elves and dwarfs and men of middle earth turn to when things are bleak? You handle the unknown with grace, poise and lyrical writing. I love it! :)
Gallifreyan Ginger chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
All, I can say is, wow! That was really moving...I mean really. I think that this is actually how any person who isn't used to praying feels when praying seems to be the only thing left to do in trying times. I really like how you portrayed Merry's fears and uncertainties. This is defintiely going into my did beautifully. :)
heartofahobbit chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
Beautifully written...very compelling look at what faith andtrust in any form of spirtual guidance can do to ease suffering...not only was Frodo given strength by Merry's words...but Merry was given a path to guide his hopes...very nicely done...I've oftne wondered what sorts of "prayers" a hobbit might utter...understanding fully that elves would worship their creator and the essence of the natural forces that created them...but Hobbits? Who or what would they "speak to" in their darkest moments? I think you've handled this unknown with grace and insight...
Iorhael chapter 1 . 1/7/2004
Wuih. What are you implying, Illyria? Why is Merry so soft and teary? And why does Frodo call him 'love'? I'm not suggesting anything but I never recall reading Merry like this in the book.
But truly, this is sad and touching. I too was a bit teary reading it.