Reviews for Absalom
Guest chapter 9 . 3/25/2019
This fic really ages well.
Runaway Roadkill chapter 9 . 12/10/2016
I just wanted you to know that is a travesty this story has so few reviews.
It is the best most in character well written CI case fic I've read to date.
From your insights into Eames' mind to the flawless synchronicity that flows between her and Goren and her own mixed feelings about it, everything is just delightfully on point.
You have an incredible writing talent and I know I'm over ten years too late reviewing but I just wanted to let you know that.
Thankyou for such a great story.
HeathRowTottie chapter 9 . 12/19/2013
Terrific story. It's amazing how you tied the Ernest Hemingway quote and aspects of this story into The Impossible, written 7 years later, and it was still relevant to their history, with everything that happened to them in the intervening years. It sort of makes your stories feel like they are linked - like one whole, one great saga. With hindsight, we now know what 'the Fates' held in store for these two, but this was all unknown to you back in 2004 and you show great insight with regard to these two characters. Wonderful job.
giantessmess chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
I know it's been quite a long while since you wrote this. But I just have to say that it is brilliant. You manage to capture the essence of CI, complete with a functioning crime plot and bring something extra to the table with the characterisation. Normally when lesser writers try this the crime plots feel shoe-horned in, but you are clearly quite exceptional. It's truly one of the best pieces of fanfic I've read. I hope that if you do publish something original, that I am lucky enough to stumble onto that too.
bloodymary2 chapter 9 . 3/25/2013
Deep and heartfelt and somewhat very poignant, like that moment in the final episode of CI. The long look, the realization that 'this' is enough, the understanding.

Wonderful writing. I enjoyed reading it very much.

Rubyray7777 chapter 1 . 12/16/2010
OMG! You are an amazing descriptive writer! I think Ive reviewed your work before but in case I havent, Im enjoying going back reading the old stories and RARELY can I tolerate a whole story cuz a lot of people cant write. You are amazing though! I hope you are a professional writer in some capacity/genre! If not, you should get something published. Thanks for this story and getting the Goren/Eames dynamic down to a "T" (which I find a lot of peeps cant get right, especially trying to get them romantically together...cuz I am a shipper at heart if it can be written right!) Thx!
starwoods chapter 9 . 10/23/2010
this was truly beautiful. I really love your loci stories
mitzvahgirl chapter 9 . 11/30/2009
I am slowly working my way through your LOCI fics and have to take a moment to tell you how much I am enjoying them. Absalom is the perfect example of why I am enjoying your work so much. You manage to capture the deep connection between Goren and Eames, and while I am a major shipper, it's nice to see the love and respect without necessarily reducing it to a physical relationship.

I'm off to read more. I just wanted to say thank you for some wonderful fics.
Medea Callous chapter 9 . 5/10/2009
Wow, that was without a doubt the best depiction of their relationship that I've ever read. It was just transcendently beautiful - I know that sounds like a cliche, but it's literally true. Kudos!
Dimac99 chapter 9 . 4/19/2009
Great fic, really well told - introspective without being ott. And even a crime to solve as well! You need to write more long CI fics. I rarely find any more than a couple of thou long and sometimes you just NEED longfic. And when it's as good as this, you're dancing!
iimagineyou chapter 9 . 3/8/2008
This story feels like having a conversation with someone through paintings. It's beautiful and complex and layered, but understanding it comes as easily as stepping back and taking a look. I'm so impressed and amazed. This is an amazing casefile, I couldn't stop reading. It isn't just entertaining, but gets you thinking, and then annoyed at yourself for thinking too much, but you keep going anyway because you want to figure yourself out just like Alex is doing. Bastian reading The Neverending Story comes to mind, going along on the journey with the character you're reading about, not realizing that you aren't just reading it but you're living it too. The one thing I didn't like was that I think you've spoiled that Absalom book for me lol, just kidding. Such a great read.
iimagineyou chapter 6 . 3/8/2008
If they were to stay partners forever, well... I can see ads for the spin-off now, "Law & Order: Old Age Home".
iimagineyou chapter 4 . 3/8/2008
"Bobby had been so transformed into the character he was playing at the time that he was on the verge of crossing over onto the other side of the law." This is a really great line, and it makes me wonder about Bobby's time in Narcotics a lot. The whole fate idea going through Alex's head in the last long paragraph is really interesting.
iimagineyou chapter 1 . 3/8/2008
I like how full this explanation of Alex is. I don't think it sounds depressed or whiny at all, it seems very matter of fact. Well, time to read on.
mabsy chapter 1 . 12/2/2007
love. nothing else, just love.

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