Reviews for Where There is Love
MissGuenever chapter 16 . 3/22/2013
This is a great story! Thank you for taking the time to write it. And thank you mmaking an effort on both research, grammer, and spelling. So very do!
LucyMcVerden chapter 16 . 1/31/2012
Great story ! I like that there is no other plot than the Lee & Kara story !

I would really like a link for chapters 17 and 18.

Thank you in advance !
nolechic512 chapter 16 . 10/11/2011
Loved the story. I read 2 others and they are really cute. I like how you show a more sensative side to Kara. I would love the link for the last 2 chapters. thanks!
handshakesandheartaches chapter 16 . 7/20/2009
i love your story! forgive me, but i'm a little behind the times. my aunt got me obsessed with BSG, and long story short, i've only seen the episodes up until the flight of the phoenix, which is why i'm going to backwards to read fanfics that dont spoil anything for me. if you still don't mind giving them out after all these years of writing this fic, i would like a link for chapters 17 and 18.

thanks! and i really loved your story. its SO cute, and you write very well.
TamSibling chapter 1 . 6/11/2009
I absolutely love this story, but I really want to read the end chapters that you didn't post here. Can you send me the links?

I do adore the way you capture Lee and Kara and I like the fact that it's Lee who has a hard time with their relationship, not Kara. It's so often the other way around!
Tears of a Phoenix chapter 16 . 5/13/2009
I love this story and would love to read the last two chapters.
Darthme1011 chapter 16 . 1/17/2008
if you get this i would like a working email adress so i can get the last chapters the posted one failed
Elliesmeow chapter 16 . 2/28/2007
I really liked this fic too. You do a really good job at getting the voices of the characters right. Chapters 9 and 10 were my favorites, but anything where William and Lee are talking is also excellent.

Thanks for posting.

Hell-of-Fire chapter 16 . 3/23/2006
So far, I love it! And I'm dying to read 1718!

I really like all the childhood memories you creat and the way each of them remembers Zak. I specially liked Lee's dream where Zak was all upset about him and Kara.

Other then that my fav parts were:

Well, she’d never before seen such a blatant case of purely southern thinking.

"First I’d be sure it was off ship, and away from Lieutenant Thrace. If she finds out, she’s liable to kill you."

Giving up, Kara leaned forward, grabbed Lee by his shirt, and buried her face in his lower back. He had turned it to her in order to face his father, but she wasn’t quite willing to do the same. Not just yet; she settled for peeking around Lee’s side.

She was loving this. There was making him uncomfortable, and then there was torture. She had definitely entered the latter category, and it was damned fun. She might not be able to physically assault him, but she could still hit him where it hurt.

If she’d known that simply stripping would calm his temper this quickly, then she might have tried it years before.

William was glad to see that Kara’s head had come up and she was now peeking over his son’s shoulder. (This shyness of Kara was so cute)

But the whole story was great! I always like the slight changes of perspective between the chapters. Hope to get to read the other 2 chapters soon :) Thanks for writing this story!
midnightair chapter 16 . 11/5/2005
this is a great series. thanks for writing it!
Nytel chapter 15 . 10/24/2005
He he, so great. I don't know how you do it.
Nytel chapter 14 . 10/24/2005
That's awesome! A standing ovation, it's just great. :)

And you did such a good job with the scene in the dining hall, I was almost blushing for Kara. Lol.
Nytel chapter 13 . 10/24/2005
That was great, very fun to read. I love the interactions between Lee and Adama.
Nytel chapter 12 . 10/24/2005
Once again, very, very good. :)
Nytel chapter 11 . 10/23/2005
So beautiful. :)

And look at the time, I should be in bed, but this story is just too damn good to stop reading.
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