Reviews for I love you more than life itself
Yuki Suou chapter 23 . 4/19/2013
Seriously if sum1 d0esnt like d st0ry they sh0uld aband0n wr0ng with Marpessa?
Btw, u cud hav made legolas fall in love s0me yrs b4.
Yuki Suou chapter 24 . 4/19/2013
Nice fairy tail, oops, tale *grins*
btw what r twinkies?
hazelelf1183 chapter 24 . 2/23/2006
A truly beautifull story. Now I must go and read the sequel.
christine dell chapter 24 . 10/18/2005
My daughter's name is Lilyana (20 mos old) :) that is how i stumbled on your writings. I am impressed with your writing at 15. keep it up! I am a graphic designe. I have done book designs for Dungeons and Dragons (adventures). I would not mind offering any help if you need it. Beside anything with legolas :) suits me.
geegi chapter 10 . 1/16/2005
wow!i cant believe how good this turned out!

This was amazing. are you writng any more?

if you are...let me knwo! i want to read them.

I just wanted to let u knwo that i started a Harry Potter novel. it is at my same url.. if you could be my person to review me and give me ideas... that would be great!

Thank you for ur help. keep writing.


dearxXxjamie chapter 1 . 1/15/2005

I was cracking up when I read your posts. Read books? Too many times. Supporter of Orlando Bloom fanatics? No. Supporter of you? NO!

Guess what, it never EVER says who Legolas marries or doesn't marry, so keep your big fat mouth shut. She has every right in the world to write about what she feels.

Must you cuss in every topic? I couldn't see Troy either! Excuse me if I don't want to see things not meant for my eyes, ears, etc.! I have opinions, some as strong as yours, but do I cuss in any of them? Let me

And fighting over uncapitolized letters? Let it go child. Do you need anger managment problems? No one forced you to read the story. Oh, and if you are such a huge Tolkien purist, WHY do you come here and read things just to flame them? You realize not half the stuff written on here is actually ture to Tolkien? Do YOU have any works here? In fact, are you even registered here? Let me

Whats your obsession with calling people Orlando Bloom freaks? Is it because you are denying your true identity, which is a Orlando Bloom drooler who has no life? I think so. Oh, and if you would like to send me a few words, please do. I would enjoy a laugh now and then.
majcarter chapter 6 . 12/30/2004
OMG! I love this story, I'm gonna go read the rest now! *giggles madly before xing out box and reading next few chapters
Guest chapter 24 . 11/11/2004
That was a great story!
Marpessa chapter 24 . 11/2/2004
It's more my fandom than yours, you shithead fake!fans.
dragonruler chapter 1 . 10/11/2004
KISSES! hahahahahaha. You are fantastic writer and I hope that you will hurry up and amke another because they are so god.
Soliste chapter 24 . 9/30/2004
Marpessa, YOUR fandom? I think not. You own nothing of Lord of the Rings. Do you understand that?









So I wouldn't call it 'YOURS'
Sauron in a teen girls body chapter 13 . 9/24/2004
I hope you're happy. You've let a Mary-Sue escape. Tut Tut.

My favourite thing about this fic is that it is not your typical girl-falls-into-middle-earth-and-falls-in-love-with-Legolas-while-in-the-fellowship thing. But if you say 'That's why it's not a Mary-Sue!' then you've got another think (yes, it's think. Not THING) coming. Maqueden is differant from most Mary-Sues, yes, but she still is one.

Why is she differant?

She has known Legolas for around 20 years, and has a reason to 'love him' other than 'Oh my GOD, he looks, like, just like Orlando Bloom!' she knows his personality, although he is kind of OOC. However HE seemed to just NOW have feelings for her right at the beginning of your fic. Not good.

And she seems to be your sobconcious. Shame, shame.

Readable, I suppose. I will finish it. And kindly burn Elizabeth Swann with this review (just kidding-not flaming you. Just telling you an opinion other than 'Awesome!' cause that's not my opinion.
Xylem chapter 22 . 9/17/2004
You know what I meant by dictator? I meant a mindless powerhungry pathetic imbecile who will eventually be beaten. That's what dictator meant. Thank you for your time.
rainystorms chapter 1 . 9/14/2004
:) ._. _ x_x
Voldie on Varsity Track chapter 1 . 9/13/2004
Marpessa is right. Listen to her.
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