Reviews for The Trouble with Women
infinit.nothing chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
Still love this ️
zsra187 chapter 25 . 4/28/2013
So, I have read this story a million times over the past couple of years, and I've never told you how much I love it, so I apologise. I honestly think it's the most wonderful story, your characterisation of both canon and non-canon characters is sensational - Vivien is the most hilarious, yet endearing, young woman! Your writing is fantastic, your plot zips along without getting too bogged-down, this story is just all-around enjoyable! That's why it literally fills me with sadness that it hasn't been updated in so long, I guess you've moved on from fanfic and aren't going to update anymore? If that's the case, it's such a shame and I would implore you to think again about giving it another go... but if it really is the case, then maybe you could just write a little note, saying that it's definitely been discontinued? I think if you ever did update, I would literally explode with excitement, (and that is an understatement!), but it's actually killing me not knowing, you know? I'm on tenterhooks!

Still though, with or without an update, this is most definitely the best POTC fanfic out there, and one of my favourite fanfics of all-time. I just thought after years of you being on my favourite authors list, I should tell you!
readinrainbows chapter 26 . 4/5/2010
Really great story! I really hope you finish it. :)
Skom chapter 3 . 7/17/2008
What a sweet chapter, definitely gives you an eye into the life Vivien must have lived: boring, secluded, and miserable. Jack on his way to liven things up?
Skom chapter 2 . 7/17/2008
Ha! If a stable boy is enough to rattle her nerves Vivien is sure going to have her hands full when she meets jack!

Great chapter and character background!
Skom chapter 1 . 7/17/2008
I love stories that don't just rush right in and give you everything in the first chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next!
Murphyangel chapter 26 . 6/26/2008
Great Fic!
Kore-of-Myth chapter 26 . 3/20/2008
Alright, this story is amazing. YOu have likable OC's, a good paced plot, romantic tension, and humor. Why haven't you updated in over a year?

Sorry, just had to get that out. First let me congratulate you on Vivien. It's so hard to find an OC in the Pirates archive who isn't a Mary Sue. I can relate to Vivien - I bet many readers of this story know deep down that if they were in her position they would have acted like her - not like a stinking Sue.

YOu've kept everyone in Character which can also be difficult at times, and I commend you for keeping up. There's just one tad thing that I noticed - some characters call Gibbs by his first name or a derivation. I don't think anyone ever did that but otherwise you're in character!

Please update soon - your story is just great!

Keep Writing!
Light Saber Muffins chapter 1 . 3/16/2008
You will update soon? Yes?

This is a very promising story, and I have fell in love with it.

Maybe you should fit Capitaine Cheval from At World's End in there somewhere, since little Vivien is French.

Please, don't give up on this story.
Mel88 chapter 26 . 11/29/2007
So I read this story for a while (previously reviewed under penname Misdemeanor1331) but then fell out of it then recently rediscovered it.

And you know what? It's still pretty darn good. I think you have Jack's character pegged, which is an intensely difficult thing to do. Like, when you write him, I see Captain Jack from the movies, not this weird hybrid who doesn't swoon enough or doesn't have those trademark quips and threats.

But one thing: you seriously need to update and continue with this story.

Is it writers block or did you just fall out of the plot? I really am curious because I feel like you have a pretty decent story here: deep characters, enough intrigue to keep everything interesting, realistic and dynamic relationships...

Anyways, if you do choose to continue (which, again, I hope you do), feel free to message me if you need someone to bounce ideas off or someone to talk to about the pace of the story or just someone that shares your enthusiasm for PotC. I'll for sure respond.

Happy writing! :)

masarin chapter 26 . 10/24/2007
I am in LOVE with your story. There is so much depth in your narration, characters and descriptions, the kind of depth I'm not used to finding in fanfiction. That's why it saddens me to see that you haven't updated this fic in a while. All I can say is, please update! This story and these characters are so worth it! You have managed to build up a storyline and relationships that I want to see developing even more! Vivien is endearing (or rather, I actually see a lot of myself in her, me being the paranoid, easily freaked-out type as well), Jack is just as he should be, Gibbs and have managed to create a cast of characters that I want to know more about! So please, if you could find the time, update this story. It's well worth it.:)
The Wordless Epoch chapter 1 . 9/27/2007
Whoa ... I like it. :) For some reason it reminds me of Huckleberry Finn ... I think the whole "I'll gladly take your money" thing reminds me of the "Duke" and "Dauphin" in the novel ... oh well. Either way, it looks amazing! :)

Marisa P chapter 26 . 6/29/2007
Dear Author,

This has been one of the most well-written stories I've read so far on this website. Ususally, you find a load of improperly spelled, poorly worded, IM-slang-filled nonsense, and one has to sift through it all to find anything worthwhile to read. This story is not average, however - you've done a remarkable job! Instead of a dialoge-driven piece, with little to no 'description words', you have composed a story that holds true to the addage of 'show, don't tell'. For that, I commend you. Congratualtons on both capturing and holding my attention for this long...I tend to be both snobbish in my editorials and fickle in my devotion to any single story (despite the fact that I cannot write for shit myself in the fanfic arena, I am a wonderful peer editor with discerning tastes - just ask my Renaissance Poetry class!). I was captivated by your adept characterization of Captian Jack Sparrow, and I particularly love how his dialogue sounds like something the Pirates of the Caribbean screenwriters would come up with (as opposed to the ravings of a starstruck preteen girl, which most fanfics mannage to spew from Jack Sparrow's mouth). The fact that Vivien has transtioned from being a bit of a wet blanket into someone who I would not mind spending time with, over the course of these many chapters, is an added bonus. For a newly created character, she has surprising depth - way to go! My only qualm is the fact that the story has apparently ended abruptly, without an appropriate ending. In fact, I found your story by accident this summer-vacation-filled afternoon, and have sat at my computer for the last few hours reading it all in one go. Chapters one through twenty-five were well worth my time and effort, but I have to wonder: where is the rest of the story? I wait with baited breath to learn how Vivien will break the news that she doesn't know the exact location of the treasure, I wonder when Belfast will rear his ugly head again, and I anticipate the moment when Jack and Vivien will have more than a captor-captive relationship (she's apparently already got Stockholm Syndrome, so why not romance as well?) in upcoming episodes of the story. So, where ARE these upcoming episodes? I appreciate the time and effort it takes to devote onesself to a project this immense, and I can understand the tolls that writer's block can have on the process, but you cannot simply give up on it. It's been SEVEN MONTHS! By my calculations, you have updated roughtly one chapter per month for the two years you were consistently continuing this story. So, I wonder, why did you suddenly stop for so long? Write something, anything, even if it isn't your best work - just give us something to read, please. Don't leave your characters hanging in the void of No Updates, but instead give us readers something to, I know that you have it in you - you had all these other chapters in you as well, so get cracking. I look forward to the latest (and, perhaps a tad bit late) installment of The Trouble with Women.


Marisa P.
silvia x chapter 26 . 6/18/2007
No updates since 2006? Dear Lord, woman, a story as wonderfully written as this one deserves to be updated! Maybe this'll jolt something. Puh-lease?
astridfire chapter 26 . 5/7/2007
I love this fic. I hope you update it :)
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