Reviews for Embers
WolfDaughter chapter 19 . 4/24/2016
OK, so I know it's probably way too much to hope that you still plan on continuing this, but I recently found myself rewatching Cyborg 009 and remembered this story. "Hero" is still my favorite episode (what can I say? I'm a sucker for watching/reading about heroes trying live or fit into a normal life) and I'm quite fond of both Embers and it's prequel. I'd love to see Embers completed, maybe have some hope for Jet, Cathy, and Jimmy to have a future as a family. So...any hope?
Guest chapter 12 . 2/7/2016
Regarding footnote 1) yes, it is. I faintly remember seeing it, and sincerely hope it was a parody.
Summer Styles chapter 19 . 12/7/2015
It's been nearly ten years since this story was last updated. I only wish that I was part of the hype as this story was being written. I only found this recently because I was looking for elements of my childhood to help me reminisce, and I have a newfound appreciation towards Jet. This is now one of my more favorite pairings in the entire series, and this fan fiction, along with Of Moths and Flames, just further developed my love towards Jet and Cathy.

I personally love how you have written Jet and Cathy. They are two very similar personalities, and you managed to execute that very well. What I really like is the fact that they are still very much in character. I see no flaw in how you wrote Jet, and I felt he was still the real Jet Link. His characterization here is spot on, and his backstory is true to the original.

And then there's Cathy. In the series we know little about Cathy, and all we know is that she is Jimmy's mom and she finds out that Jet is a cyborg. However, you gave her a background. You gave her a story. Cathy now has a proper character, and she has strengths as well as weaknesses. This is a well-written Cathy, and I don't think I could capture a better Cathy if I tried.

The romance though bothers me just the slightest because it isn't really developing. Perhaps this is only because this is still incomplete. I like that they established that they may have feelings towards each other and neither of them would admit it, but what I don't like is how they got so close but they were pulled apart almost immediately. In the even that this story somehow resurrects, I would like to see more development in their romance.

Another thing: the title of chapter 19 means something different now...just saying...

Overall, this is a very well-written story. Sure, there are a few spelling errors here and there (such as "bazaar" instead of "bizarre", "he" instead of "her", and "a" instead of "as"), but they were tolerable and can be overlooked easily. There were even some phrases that were repeated constantly (namely "take it in stride" or something like that) but it is most likely the best way to describe the scenario. The content of the story itself feels very true to the original series, and the characters are spot-on. I don't think you will be able to see this review, and I have doubts that you will be willing to finish this story. It may have been a decade since you write this, but I just want to let you know that your work is still appreciated. Old works tend to come back and kind of haunt a person, but don't despair. If anything, old works tend to be better than new works since they are more raw. You may have moved on to other fandoms, but your childhood/teenhood/whatever hood remains with you, and nothing can take that away. Cyborg 009 was a part of my childhood, and now as an adult (I'm 21 now haha) I can still say that I love the series. I'm constantly going back to my childhood and my teenhood as a reminder of what made me who I am now.

Long review is long, and I am sorry. :P
Guest chapter 19 . 9/5/2015
Are you ever going to finish this? I would love to see more of it :)
Ashley chapter 19 . 12/7/2012
I was thoroughly enjoying this story, but, is very sad that this WIP hasn't been worked on in 6 years.
Arktos chapter 19 . 3/25/2011
It's a shame this fic seems dead in the water...honestly, it's the most interesting one I've read in this fandom. XD The characters are pretty well-fleshed out, the story seems natural (because, let's face it, we ALL found ourselves wondering about how Cathy and Jimmy made out post-Hero) and it's nicely done. The parts where you've expanded from canon make enough sense, and there's just something that makes me kinda like this pairing. Which, considering it had never ever occured to me before I read this and I'm not a pairing-oriented person by nature, is a feat unto itself :)

And yeah. I know it's a little late to be asking for more (seven years too late D8), but I enjoyed this enough to ask. It's a sweet little story, and it's a crying shame it didn't get finished...especially since it seems you had plans to do just that :( I guess it can't be helped, though. But I'm still keeping a link around in the hopes you finish it someday, 'cause I'm stubborn that way. XD
Dragowolf chapter 19 . 4/26/2010
WHY! Why did you stop right here? What's going to happen next? Please please please! Write more! Please! This is such a great story!
Sinah chapter 19 . 11/2/2009
Fantastic! I love this story. Please continue, I don't think I can wait much longer.

Thank you!
LilSukio chapter 19 . 6/12/2009
No, gosh dangit! You did NOT stop with such a WONDERFUL story! D
MinakoTrickster chapter 19 . 4/17/2009
Awe man! Where are you? Continue soon please?
WolfDaughter chapter 19 . 4/4/2008
No! Darn it, I hate getting to the end of a chapter in a good story only to discover there's no more! I knew there wasn't, of course, but I'd gotten so absorbed into the story I'd forgotten. I know you said you wouldn't abandon this fic but it's been so very long since you updated that I'm wondering if that's still true. I like this story just as much now as I did when you first posted it. Is there any chance of you continuing it?
CutieGirl16 chapter 19 . 8/29/2007
Looking forward to the next chapter!
MipsyCutiepie chapter 19 . 8/29/2007
This is awesome:D! I hope you update soon.
Miss Anonyomous chapter 19 . 8/29/2007
Really lovely story:)! Oh please update.
Moonchildstar chapter 19 . 8/29/2007
This story is rocks! Please, please, PLEASE, update soon! Pretty please with sugar on top.
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