Reviews for Imperfect
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6/2017
Lol, this story is very true. ;D
sammywhatammy chapter 1 . 1/19/2011
It seems like you've been inactive a long time, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE THIS SO MUCH.

I am an embarrassingly obsessed NaruShika fan, and unfortunately there is virtually no fandom for it. What little fanworks I've found for it are pretty poor, especially the fic. This is the best fic I've found so far, and I'm thrilled that I did! And in my opinion, it's QUITE perfect ;)
makura akuhei chapter 1 . 1/8/2010
I found it to be quite true what you have written here. Sex really isn't all it's hyped up to be...and I just really liked it. : )
bubblegum-chi chapter 1 . 4/24/2008
Loved the feeling of reality in it..

Job well done XD
Utena-Puchiko-nyu chapter 1 . 1/28/2007
I like it ñ.ñ

Kisses from Argentina!
moonlistic chapter 1 . 5/9/2006
Your story was very interesting. Do you like yoai? Do you have any other story's. I'm new on this web site.
orosai chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
I'm curious...why do you like narushika pairings so much? Why not NaruSasu pairings?
Sozoku chapter 1 . 8/2/2005
"Is that it?"

LOL! I almost dropped out of my seat,laughing, as I read that line. Poor Naruto! His pride must have hurt a little after that line. Anyway great fic and um...Keep up the good work... -_-; I feel like a teacher saying that...
Fantastical Queen Ebony Black chapter 1 . 7/30/2005
Sometimes I ask myself why I'm addicted to crack yaoi fics like this?

Cause I love em. I adore this. Very Shikamaru... Heehee. Maybe change the rating to R but other than that... I really do love it. Awesome job.
MysteryLady-Tx chapter 1 . 6/8/2005
I'm semi-surpirsed that Shika was the uke...oh well that was neat LOL...1st times...aren't they always fun and awkward...LOL:D THANKS:D
blue 12 chapter 1 . 4/19/2005
I like the way this ended. It was to the point and down-to-earth. I liked your comment about 12-year-olds and happy-girl stroking time ... Shikamaru's description was also ... rather accurate. Ja
M. Life chapter 1 . 3/22/2005
I enjoy this piece a lot. Hell, even if the story were bad, you would have endeared yourself to me with the line “12 is for happy giggly stroke time!” It wasn’t bad, though. It was hard and real and that made it good. Thanks.
Noniechan chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
Beautiful NaruShika! Wonderful! I absolutely adore this fic because of it's not a fairy-tale sex story *laughs* So yes, I adore this fic...and I aodre YOU for writing it! Thank you!

Klayter McCabe chapter 1 . 1/3/2005
Ah. I much prefer stories where the sex (especially the first time) is less than perfect. Believable, and better for it.
xuzumakinarux chapter 1 . 12/4/2004
Shikamaru is a Whiny Bitch? XD

*ahem* Anywhos, this story is beautiful. Well, ok, not really beautiful, but highly amusing and eyebrow-raising. I was smiling awkwardly throughout the whole story. I loved how you describe what Shikamaru's thinking throughout the whole entire story, and how sex isn't really all that. God, I remember the first time, and it was just like how you described it. It made me feel VERY sore and dirty.

... *glances at boyfriend* We haven't done our second time yet. He keeps telling me about how 'we're not ready'. *snorts* I'm ready this time. I got the shotgun all loaded an' everything.

Anyway, you don't really want to listen to me and all my gay wonder. You want to hear my rant and rave about how wonderful this story is.

*rants and raves about how wonderful this story is*

Love it. It's imperfectly perfect. Or is it perfectly imperfect...? I dunno.
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