Reviews for White Butterfly
Darren chapter 1 . 7/26/2004
Whew, I feel my heart squeeze out for thos etwo poor guys... and "lovers" as you portray. I like Zabusa's "I'm stil human" things going on inside his mind, and his views about Haku. The white butterfly comparison is such an innovation for Haku fic writers~ More power and you are indeed a trendsetter. HAHA
kawaii-kirei chapter 1 . 4/17/2004
*sniff* It's so, so sad... *glomps* Another great fic! **! Wish I could write as good as you! XD Magaling ka talaga kasi eh... Hehe... ;; Anywho, keep writing and I'll keep reviewing! _!
Haku Fan chapter 1 . 4/16/2004
I cried. Seriously.
Kazie Solo chapter 1 . 4/6/2004
I may have no idea about Naruto, but I don't need to know what it's all about to appreciate the beauty of your fanfiction. It was... well, bittersweet! I loved how you used the words, and of course, the white butterfly. You really are a master of manipulating such imagery and vocabulary! Well, I don't really know what else to say, unless you want me to keep repeating how nice your work is and all, so I'm going to go now and leave you in a high note: ALL HAIL THE GREAT MAKI NEKOI!
More, please!
Quiren chapter 1 . 4/5/2004
Ah... the tragic pairing of comrades (or so they say) Momochi Zabusa and Haku. I've read their manga part and I was driven into tears, especially the last part when they died together. I was really in tears that night. Enough of the rambling...
Yes, this fic is also heart-wrenching. You've shown a great comparison (except for that "Boy as pure as a snow" thing in the manga) between Haku and a white butterfly. Haku's personality is well-kept in this fic. I really like his character. Very innocent, trusting and loyal. Ah, SerapH-sama, you indeed have great respect fo this character, ne?
Meanwhile for Zabusa, you clearly illustrated the facts that he's only human, his musing on his student, and his regret on teaching Haku the way of the ninjas: violent and so hostile. You've given the fic such a touching feel especially when he thinks about changing his decision yet he didn't because he knows that the decision is the best for Haku. Gosh, I nearly cried. I remember on the manga that he thinks about Haku yet he hides it through his fights and his hostile demeanor. And that's the way you've presented Zabusa in this fic. He pretends to not care and hostile yet he reserves his soft side for Haku. Ne, talk about such OOC-ness!
I'm not against it, because you used it wisely, so wise you made me go, "*groan*". the fic was saddening, the type of sadness that makes the readers feel like they're lucky. Yes, tragic. SerapH-sama, you indeed have improved. I berate you for that!
By the way, are you planning to make another ZabuHaku fic? Please do; it's a request from your loyal reader. :) I'd love to read more WAFF-y stuff from those two. Last question, do you read the manga? It seems that you know their characters from the manga very well. That's all. Please reply on my e-mail (you know it already, right?). Thank you and more power on your fanfic writing career! Cheers. :)
Reject Product Saka chapter 1 . 3/30/2004
Beautiful..._ Haku-kun was kept nicely in character, and although I never did think I'd see a fic that displayed Zabuza-san's "softer" side, you did it wonderfully and in porportion - it wasn't cheesy at all. I could perfectly see how Haku-kun would relate to a butterfly...The only complaint I might have was as to where this was set, as far as along the Naruto timeline - or was it just a seperate examination of these two? In any case...awesome fic. -adds to favorites-
Ryuuen Chou chapter 1 . 3/30/2004
Wai... kirei da yo! I loved this. It's a great story. It was so sad.. kind of bittersweet. There was the sweetness, but there was sadness, too..
Ee... *clicks to favorite the story* Love.. keep it up!