Reviews for The Lord is My Shepherd
StarGazers chapter 9 . 8/30/2007
Okay! You need to now! And I am going to steal Naomi because I think she will fit nicely into my next chapter. And you can borrow Claire, if you would like, if that would help you get rolling on your chapter again. If you wanna borrow Claire, just e-mail me which year it's in, because mah little Claire changes. I really hope you update soon, I love this story!
Evil Riggs chapter 1 . 5/29/2007
Ezekiel 23:20
StarGazers chapter 12 . 4/28/2007
LoL. I feel like such a jerk. you always review my chapters and I didn't review your's once. I really like this...gah, you have such a handle on making Carpathia creepy. I was like...uuhg during the interview chapter. I loved the way you just threw scripture in there! The snakes were a little weird, but for good emphasis...who better to control other serpants than Carpathia? I hope you keep writing this and no joke **snatches Naomi**might have to use her in a cameo with Claire...they'd get on smashingly with their hatred of Nicolae. Love from your sister in Christ Jesus!
Syrenia chapter 8 . 2/14/2007
"Potentate? Naomi’s blood ran cold. She had never seen the Antichrist face to face before."

Er, I think you made a mistake there. She clearly knew who the anti-Christ was and had seen him face to face.

Other than that little error, it's a really good story.
Alyssa S chapter 12 . 7/24/2006
I think its asom(sp?) When will u add more. plz dont stop!
Rooscha chapter 12 . 5/23/2005
hey, I like this story, I think it is great, but u need more AntiChrist/Naomi situations, don't give up keep writing, Jesus is Lord
Miyo chapter 12 . 2/16/2005
Hey, just glad to see you back ;P
seenthelight chapter 12 . 2/15/2005
Very nicely wrote, however, Hannah Palemoon might be a little out of character-however, if she is, its very slight. I can so see her (Hannah Palemoon) pulling the mother hen act.

Over well, nicely done and looking forward to more from you.

BladedDragon chapter 11 . 1/9/2005
I really love your story and would like to hear more. It would really dissappoint me if this was truly the end of your fic, so I'll take a stab at an idea you may or may not like. Maybe Naomi could be rescued by another secret group of believers and she could unite them with the trib force? Another idea would be perhaps you could talk more about the tribulations and Naomi experiencing them. Just some thoughts. I don't know how well they'd fit in, considering I just started reading the series not to long ago and I haven't finished yet. Like I said before just some suggestions, I hope you write more soon!
solowagon chapter 11 . 12/17/2004
I got quite caught up in that, it's so sad you've lost your muse! Sorry, I'm not much of a one for ideas either so I can't help you there. But you were doing well. Maybe if you take a break for a while you'll come back with a load of good new ideas. I hope so anyway.
ScarletInk chapter 8 . 7/31/2004
I'M SO SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG! I've been really busy, just got back from a mission trip, but that's not really an excuse. Yeah, I've been taking some time off and am having a hard time figuring out what will happen next...I'll try and hurry. SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY!
michelleandtony4ever chapter 9 . 7/15/2004
This is such a great story! I read it a few weeks ago and i have been anxiously waiting for an update! Please hurry! It's been like two months! Anywaz...keep up the good work and please hurry!
ambrosiaBCP03 chapter 9 . 5/22/2004
I can't wait to read more of this story I want to encourage you in this.
A sister in Christ,
Miyo86 chapter 9 . 5/11/2004
Wow! You've added alot to this since I last checked. I'm still enjoying it though(especially Chapter 8, that end scene was very well written)I hope you continue to write this! _
ScarletInk chapter 9 . 5/10/2004
Thank you all who have reviewed. Hoping to update as quickly as I can, but if things get busy, it may be a few days.
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