Reviews for Angel Investigations Crime Scene Investigators
TigerLilyGirl88 chapter 2 . 8/16/2015
I absolutely love it already! I've tried to hard to write a Fan Fic with a CSI & Angel Crossover and I found someone who could do it! Awesome job!
nolongerwantthisaccount chapter 20 . 8/21/2006
hey, u never finished it!

nontheless, this was really good!
WolfDaughter chapter 20 . 3/22/2006
Ai yi yi, that's not going to go over well for Spike if Mrs. Rondell ever meets him is it? What an interesting crossover. Please update again soon!
Officer BudBabe chapter 20 . 7/3/2005

This is so GREAT!

Please, I know you have updated for like, a year but I MUST know what happens! I want Kate and Nick to get together! This is so brilliant, I LOVE how you've tied it all together without making it look unnatural! It's FABULOUS!

Please update!
Acacia Jules chapter 11 . 10/3/2004
Cordelia was NEVER a Goddess. She was a Higher Being, or a Higher Power. But NEVER, EVER was she a Goddess. Gods and Goddesses are something cultures come up with to worship, but in this Verse, they don't really exist, except for Hell Goddesses, like Glory.

Cordy went from being May Queen, to Vision Girl, to Princess of Pylea, to Half-Demon Vision Girl, to Higher Being, to mother of Jasmine, to DEAD Vision Girl.
Acacia Jules chapter 4 . 10/3/2004
How is an UMBRELLA supposed to kill a vampire? Vampire's can only be staked with WOOD. Nothing else works. You can stab them in the heart as many times as yah like, unless it's wood, it doesn't work.
Acacia Jules chapter 2 . 10/3/2004
Nice story concept, but one problem, your description of a vampire bite.

If your such an avid watcher, as you claim to be, you would know a vampire bite is much more messy than just two little holes. That's how they proved to Connor that Angel didn't kill Holtz. A vampire bite is just that, a BITE. More teeth than just the incissors go into the flesh. Not to mention, it's accompanied to tearing at the throat.

Considered death by exsanguination (I believe that's how it's spelled) ie, drained of all or most of their blood.

I don't want to be critical, it's just that you claimed to be an devoted watcher, and then you gave such detailed summeries of all the seasons of Angel, only to miss discribe such a simple thing as a vampire bite, in such a fake way.
hinnyxx chapter 20 . 8/11/2004
why haven't you updated? this was a really good story! you should so update it!
MandiElf18 chapter 20 . 8/5/2004
interesting chapter. I really really like this story. cant wait to find out what happens next!
MandiElf18 chapter 13 . 8/5/2004
wow this is an awesome story. I think the CSI/Angel crossover is great, cause they are the best chows. Keep up the great work!
Marla Gilmore chapter 1 . 6/13/2004
Excellent Story! Can't wait to read more1 Please write more

Marla Gilmore
Umbrellaswithaperiwinkleclosetofcheese chapter 1 . 6/3/2004
bob the moose chapter 20 . 5/14/2004
its a small world after all! everyone meets at the last name Wood.
Karone Evertree chapter 20 . 5/13/2004
Wood? isn't that one of the slayers Spike killed?, interesting. good chappie. by the way who's Al? is he a lab guy?...can't remember.
Imzadi chapter 20 . 5/13/2004
Poor Tiana. Mrs. Rondell (isn't that the name of one of Gunn's old gang?) is quite a feisty old lady, isn't she? And Nikki Wood was her oldest daughter? What a coincidence!
So could we please see Lindsey (and he could be "Bob")?
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