Reviews for Paying the Piper
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
This is good.
Calypso Maxwell chapter 1 . 1/15/2005
Cute, funny... creepy. You don't work for the mafia do you? Yeesh.. that had me cringing... even for cartoon characters I'm too empathic. * I feel the pain of others* good job
Bumpkin chapter 1 . 7/21/2004
Very well written and plotted... one of my favorite Static episodes too. Plus I have to confess to having a weakness for this type of fanfic, the backside of an ep, what we were not expected to see. Very nice.. keep penning,

Glamek Stalker chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
Yo. Well I always said taht you go into great detail, and u do, which is one of the many reasons htis fic was so great. I mean I loved it. I would point out facts that didn't appeal to my greatest intrest, not that i hated them. Just well, certain things that people really never tend to look into. Other than that, great fic. Man, I tend to write long reviews. I guess that's just me. is anyways anyways. Oh well. Anyways. god dangit. ah Peace Out.
SilverKitsune1 chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
I've always liked Frieda's character, and I loved how you made her into a confident woman with the ability and brains to stay calm (if a little giggly) in a crises. Your descriptions of both her character and the characters of Peter and Shelley were good, but what I think I liked the best was that you made it so the world new about Virgil's superhero antics. That's rare to find, and your explanation of how the family lives with it was well thought out.