Reviews for Harsh Reality
La cucaracha japonesa chapter 17 . 12/30/2008
The history is good but... the descripition says that 'Knives would use Vash lack of memory to his advantage' but it's happening the oposite... so where are you going with the story?

Luraji chapter 17 . 3/26/2006
Aw! Can't u write more! this is the first Trigun fanfic i read and its good! been readin Inuyasha ones is y but this is good! all tho they a bit out of character
Leah Hari chapter 3 . 11/16/2004
Stupid rock! Stupid sand! Stupid humans! Wonderful... sleep.

HAHAHAHA! I love it! Totally, absolutely, awesomeness!

Take care!

Leah Hari chapter 1 . 10/21/2004
I love it so far! I'm not familiar with Trigun, but I love Vash already! What a goofy character, he's fantastic! You may have just gotten me hooked on another genre... :)
Lunis chapter 17 . 8/23/2004
Wow, I come check to see if the last chapter is posted and find that there are TWO new chapters! WOOT! A nice happy ending! I'll add this to my favorites now! It rocked!
Shayken Destiny chapter 16 . 8/21/2004
WHAT? Only one more? NO!
Lunis chapter 15 . 8/17/2004
Alrighty, I'm back from my vacation! Oh good, Knives didn't kill them. *lol* Funny that they just noticed Vash got his memory back.

I'm so excited about the final chapter! _
Shayken Destiny chapter 15 . 8/15/2004
Ah! I want to read more! Hurry up and update!
saraki chapter 14 . 8/11/2004
I love the way Vash and Knives talk to each other, especially Knives short temper, update soon please, _

saraki chapter 13 . 8/11/2004
Why is it that knives is standing up and vash still in bed?(sits down to think for a second or two)...-_-' I give up, guess ill have to wait till I read the next capter _

saraki chapter 12 . 8/11/2004
yay Vash woke up! and he has his memory back to! yay! _

Lunis chapter 14 . 8/10/2004
Is it just me, or do you want people to review? *lol*

Yet another great chapter! I love it! Can't wait to see what comes next!
Lunis chapter 13 . 8/7/2004
I love the way the twins talk to each other in heir minds. And how Knives just says something about his brother, because they talked to each other in their heads, and everyone gets kind of confused. I also like how Knives is being nice to his brother. Very good chapter!

I hope you get to be on the message board! It would be so cool chatting with you, there! _

I'm going to highly recommend this story to others. I don't usually add a story to my favorites until it's finished (nothing personal), but when it is done, I'm extremely likely to add to to my fav's. But that doesn't mean hurry up and finish it! Take your time, and don't end it too quickly. Your doing great right now!
Lunis chapter 12 . 8/5/2004
*LOL!* I was utterly surprised for about five minutes that you knew I was a Christian. I was thinking, 'But...I didn't say I did you know?'

But I finally figured it out. You looked at my bio, didn't you? *lol* *smacks forehead* Duh! (yuck, I have a messy bio) It's nice to know there are other Christian fanfic lovers out there. _

I got to the bottom of this page and was sad because the chapter was over. I liked it so much! It's good that you're anxoius to put out a new chapter, because I'm anxious to read it!

Going very off topic here, I am a member of a message board called Christian Anime Alliance. It is for Christians who love anime. But you don't have to talk about anime. We talk about everything under the sun, from "Let's make this the most random thread ever!" to "Who is your favorite Trigun character?". It is very big. There are 2,0 something members. I have made many friends and no enemies there. Everyone is warm, especially to newcomers. It is for all denominations. Not to mention, it's completely free. The URL address is .net . Wow, do I sound like an advertisement or what? I apologize for that. o_O I just wanted to let you know it was there, just in case you're interested. It really is a great place.

And as a final comment on this review: Great story!
Lunis chapter 11 . 8/4/2004
Wow! You wrote all this before you saw the Trigun episodes? I can hardly tell! Well, that's probably because I just recently got interested in Trigun. But whatever! Great story! I can't wait for more chapters!
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