Reviews for Rise
vashley202 chapter 4 . 4/25/2017
This story is so cool! The plot its original and it helps bring out a new depth to the characters we otherwise wouldn't see
Guest chapter 5 . 10/3/2016
How about a twelve year anniversary update? It's a bit too good to just be left unfinished.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/18/2015
Where's Sephiroth?
Guest chapter 5 . 2/18/2015
Can't Vincent transform anymore? I mean even without an arm, Chaos would be the strongest fighter they have. At least, it would let Yuffie rest. Please update!
Milla chapter 5 . 7/23/2013
I do wish you would update this one (and "Tales of the less than...). You write so well, especially comedy, and it's such a shame that a good story like this would be left unfinished.

I've read this one (actually I've read all of your FFVII stories) several times, and find it brilliant. The characterisation is spot on, the plot intriguing and original, and I do enjoy the premises of a gritty, apocalyptic Gaia. This is indeed what would have happened, had Sephiroth won the fight in the crater.
I also love that you made Yuffie (my favourite) strong and capable. It's nice to see her (and Red, who also get little love) defending the whole gang, while the usual heroine - Tifa - is left incapacitated. Not that I wish anything bad on Tifa - poor girl, she has it worse than the others in terms of pain and debilitation - but I've always found both her and Aerith to be too stereotypical and Mary-Sueish (perfect boring).

Whether you decide to update or not, I want you to know that this reader still enjoys your old fics :)
Binky1987 chapter 5 . 7/9/2009

I really love this story too! Please update soon,

Bandit666 chapter 5 . 1/26/2008
It makes me sad, how often this happens. A great story is built up, the author gets a few chapters in, and then it just... dies. I'm sure there's a reason, whether it's school, family, or even simple year-long writer's block. But that doesn't stop it from being sad when something like this happens.
Kitsune Kit chapter 5 . 11/23/2007
I like the writing, it's a very sad fic though. I find myself wishing for something good to happen like Vincent geting a prosthetic hand and shooting stuff. chapter 5 . 12/3/2006
Great writing!

Now, as a rabid fan, I order you to continue writing.
kittu9 chapter 5 . 9/7/2006
I am a very calm person.

That said, I did the fangirl dance during these chapters-I'm really enjoying where this is going, plot-wise, etc. Yuffie-as-a-mute is a completely original device, and I'm anxious to see where you're going with this; it's a nice blend of horror, action, and humorous angst.

And, okay, I'll admit it: the potential for Yuffentine is making me grin, just a little.
fae-crazed chapter 5 . 6/7/2006
Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. I hope you'll continue this story; it is extremely well-thought out. Along with the slight Yuffentine, the group's interaction is great. Again, I hope you'll work on this piece soon, though, I'm also a fan of Faith and Feather. It wouldn't be too greedy of me to ask that you'll update the both of these fics right?

*nervous laugh*
Snifflepepper chapter 5 . 9/27/2005
I really love this story and it's been killing me to find out what happens next. Please continue it! _ Pretty please?
Tank chapter 5 . 9/19/2005
Rasslin'! I LOVE that! XD You can't have a Vinnie and Yuffie fic without some random humour, you just can't. _ I'm curious as to why Tifa was healed and by whom, and also why whoever maimed the rest didn't finish the job.
Smaragd chapter 5 . 6/29/2005
I've never read a Yuffie/Valentine before, but this story is great! I hope you can update soon.
Sorelliena chapter 5 . 3/19/2005

...pretty please with Avalanche plushies ontop?
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