Reviews for Darkness Rising
Hoshi-chan1 chapter 13 . 1/4/2005
Awesome story. You've certainly gained another faithful fan. I hope to see another installment soon. _
Kristall chapter 13 . 11/18/2004
Sorry I haven't reviewed before now, but I only found the story today and was too into it to review until now. I love the story though! I hope you update soon, I can't wait to figure out what happens next. Later!
Ishy-chan chapter 13 . 9/19/2004
oh my, DSD, I'm so sorry I never reviewed this! I thought I had. Beautiful job! Quite a spot to leave it off, it leaves one wanting to know what happens next! That was decidedly evil of Xelloss... I feel bad for poor Amelia. I can't wait for more! Hopefully it comes soon...

AiriKatsu chapter 13 . 9/2/2004
Well now, I must say your writing skills are quite amazing. This is quite refreshing compared to the usual Slayers fictions (EEK don't kill me other writers! I just meant that she's doing something different!) So I was wondering if it was going to be a LinaxGourry, AmeliaxZel thing. I really like those two couples more than the other ones. (By the was Martina is a meanie! How dare she and Xellos do this to poor Amelia? *Pouts*)I hope the next chapter comes up soon! .

Soobin chapter 13 . 7/27/2004
Feeling very sorry for not reviewing the previous chapter, but my life just got out of order. -_-''

Thanks for your explanations on the Xel/Lina thing. I assume I missed some important things... *sigh*

Martina's just the same as in the anime, I guess, except the fact that she's...mean/bitchy...that way. As I watched the anime I thought that she had a bit of something that seemed to be clumsiness. - Very mean of you to hurt Amelia in this way...-_-'' But I suppose that it was just time for her to discover that fact; Xelloss is being as mean as Martina in the last chapter, isn't he...? Poor Amelia, her world gets rocked...Can't Lina just punch him right in the face...? _

- Soobin
linagabriev chapter 13 . 7/21/2004
Haven't been online the past two weeks, so sorry for not reviewing sooner. I always wanted to go to Japan, maybe I will some day. ANYway, back to the matter at hand, interesting turn. Nice job. It's funny to see Amelia trying to be optimistic about this entire thing. Although I doubt Zelas and Xelloss will let her break the contract so easily.
Akako chapter 13 . 7/15/2004
Still interesting. And Amelia, so young and innocent...
Sylvie chapter 13 . 7/14/2004
I loved this chapter and how you portray Amelia. Is she going to get hit by that car? I hope not!
samantha chapter 13 . 7/14/2004
They have another slayer series? are they gonna send it here? I sure hope so cuz I really wanna watch it ;) I really loved this chapter...poor amelia
Ichiban Victory chapter 13 . 7/12/2004
Oh, what a terrible place to stop! Now I'll not know if Amelia was struck or not until the next chapter... (And what's this? Amelia's popping pills?) Good job building up the tension as well.

Also, welcome back! I'm glad that you were able to find copies of the Premium manga, and Knight of Aqua Lord. (You can help me spread the word that Slayers is still very much alive, if not animated.) _- How far into Aqua Lord are you?
Jazzy2 chapter 13 . 7/12/2004
I'm too lazy to sign in. HAHA

Ah, i love the way you portray xelloss! He's so funny/annoying/xellossy but still so... sexy.



happy writings!

linagabriev chapter 12 . 6/28/2004
Nice job. Too bad for Amelia. You could go either way with her, but I doubt she'd just up and quit. Lina would find a way to convince her to stay. Plus Xelloss couldn't afford the chance of loosing Amelia, in case he might loose Lina too. Anwyay nice job. Keep it up.
Jazzy2 chapter 12 . 6/27/2004
Hiya! O... amelia's depressed... dun see that very often.

W00t! Write more write more. -
Dareth chapter 12 . 6/24/2004
I've noticed this story before but never really bothered to read it. I gave it a chance this afternoon and I realized the more I read the more I loved this. I like the mixture of angst and humor and that there's something more to be expected for the later chapters.

For this particular chapter, very bitchy, but very Martina! And poor poor Amelia...what's everyone going to do now I wonder.
samantha chapter 12 . 6/24/2004
that was really good...the end was kinda sad
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