Reviews for You're the One I Truly Love
remaerd x chapter 11 . 9/27/2012
Hm, sorry if this is posted twice. Not sure if the first went through. I noticed a typo in the previous post, anyway :p

Hey, guys. I'm DaggerLy, the author of this story. It's been a long time. To be exact, SEVEN years since I've logged into this account. I apologize profusely for those who have been awaiting for a new chapter or given up on me. Unfortunately I got sidetracked with school and writer's block (devil-ish things). I know it's been ages, believe me. However, I am going to try to start writing again (not necessarily just KH - read my profile for the reason why I came back). Since I haven't logged on since 2005, I do not recall the email address I've used for this pen name / which is a shame because I'm positive I know what the password is; I just don't know what e-mail I used -_- This fanfiction will probably not be continued unless the FanFiction support peeps responds to my e-mail regarding my e-mail (seriously). I apologize for those who are disappointed. I'm disappointed in myself, too. Someday I would like to finish this story, as well as another on my profile, but in the meantime I will be using DaggerLy2 (this pen name) to write various stories. Thank you all for the kind words and I aspire to write more stories in my free time to spread the cuteness of all my favorite couples ;D
remaerd x chapter 1 . 9/27/2012
Hey, guys. It's been a long time. To be exact, SEVEN years since I've logged into this account. I apologize profusely for those who have been awaiting for a new chapter or given up on me. Unfortunately I got sidetracked with school and writer's block (devil-ish things). I know it's been ages, believe me. However, I am going to try to start writing again (not necessarily just KH - read my profile for the reason why I came back). Since I haven't logged on since 2005, I do not recall the email address I've used for this pen name / which is a shame because I'm positive I know what the password is; I just don't know what e-mail I used -_- This fanfiction will probably not be continued unless responds to my e-mail regarding my e-mail (seriously). I apologize for those who are disappointed. I'm disappointed in myself, too. Someday I would like to finish this story, as well as another on my profile, but in the meantime I will be using DaggerLy2 (this pen name) to write various stories. Thank you all for the kind words and I aspire to write more stories in my free time to spread the cuteness of all my favorite couples ;D
MinatsukiSoul chapter 11 . 10/16/2011
Ohmygosh, you have to update! Pretty please? It has been at least 6 years since the last update!

Pwease update! :3

~ es
crystalnami chapter 11 . 5/5/2008
Nice, can't wait to see what happens next!
Holli chapter 11 . 8/21/2007
Please update soon! I'm adding this to my favourites list!
Kupo3.0 chapter 11 . 6/24/2007


my soul has, crushed

although riku as juliet, IS pretty funny

but in regards to kairi and sora?

yeah, same response


i'm BEGGING you, as a newly re-latched on fan, to start up this fic again! its been almost TWO MONTHS now! don't you owe it to the FANS! PLEASE!
Kupo3.0 chapter 10 . 6/24/2007

oh my god, I forgot how AMAZING this story was

...its coming back to me now XD




continuing looking up synonyms in a thesaurus XD

SUPERB but must keep reading, its KILLING ME
Kupo3.0 chapter 9 . 6/24/2007
OMG i totally forgot about this story

very well written and amusing

i know this wasn't what the goal was from the start, but I kinda like the soraxyuffie potential here...

i know, i'm sorry Kairi XD
Mew Rose chapter 7 . 5/26/2007
OMG, I KNEW that was going to happen! Poor Sora! But I don't like that they say so many bad words. :(
Mew Rose chapter 3 . 5/26/2007
'Come on, Sora, think! Say something cool! Say something cool!'

" bottom hurts." I said. 'You idiot! Nice going, wise guy.'

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! That made me laugh so hard I cried and almost fell out of my chair! XD I'm very hyper right now. XD

I started to daydream. It was about me...and Kairi. We were sitting together at a bench.

(in the daydream)

"Heehee, Sora."




"Sora, whats the capitol of Agrabah?"

"Kairi..." I said, not realizing I had said that out loud.

"SORA! SNAP OUT OF IT!" a voice boomed.

OMG, that would be so embarrassing! I think i've done that before... XD
Mew Rose chapter 1 . 5/26/2007
I choked.

Kairi was out there.

"Wow! That sounded real! But I'm still not falling for your tricks," Mom exclaimed, and she pulled to the side of the curb. I sighed and quickly said goodbye. I slowly walked to the school entrance, hoping that Kairi would notice me. Kairi looked at me for a moment and started to walk towards me.

Kupo3.0 chapter 8 . 5/22/2007

soo funny

probably best chapter yet, hysterical

the dressing up, the movies...genius!

Kupo3.0 chapter 7 . 5/22/2007
mehh! how mortifying! i had a phone ring once when i was pretending to talk on it, but it was just to waste time cause I was standing around alone for like... 20 minutes

...fortunately the ringer wasn't on loud
Kupo3.0 chapter 6 . 5/22/2007


must read, not type

but once again... AWESOME
Kupo3.0 chapter 5 . 5/22/2007
hehe, seems almost like yuffie is kinda liking sora... dunno why i get that impression

maybe she'll make kairi jealous by "dating" sora... that could work

something with cell phones... hm, i'll just read on and find out

love this fic _
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