Reviews for Hopeless
Neoneoneobanana chapter 1 . 9/23/2005
That was nice. I liked it.
Treesh Aradia chapter 1 . 9/28/2004
U have me crying now. It's beautifil. Truly.
Barrett Machain chapter 1 . 7/6/2004
*Sniffle* Wow, what a switch up! After that cutsey little Gundam Wing fic, you had to go and get all angsty on me!

Your writing is just so versatile. I'd sort of forgotten that. :( Your tones and mood settings are especially noticeable because as I've said before (er, quite a few times, actually) your way with writing emotion is just wonderful. And not just angsty type of emotion but all kinds. Though I can't really decide which type you're better at. *Think* Well anyway, moving on...

'Sunshine'! What a perfect choice for a nickname! Utterly adorable and oh so fitting for Selphie. (Does he call her that in 'Penance'? *Tries to think and smacks self in the head for forgetting* Sheesh, sorry about that. I've got some re-reading to do.)

And speaking of 'Penance', I hope this fic did in fact put you back in Seifer\Selphie mode. Your little teaser at the end of your update e-mail was NOT cool at all. I hate being teased! *Pout* So pretty please get that Seif\Selph mode buzzing with some activity! :)
Vapes chapter 1 . 5/9/2004
Thats really sad, but I like it. The song fits really well with your story.
selphie-chan chapter 1 . 5/6/2004
way to go! you still havent lost your touch huh? its damn good and i hope you could continue it (though i know it doesnt need any...its the first one chapter selfer i like!) very satisfying and do hope you'll continue your other selfers fic (especially penance!) that's all! hope this will boost you up! \(0)/
kelley chapter 1 . 5/5/2004
sorry i havent reviewed ur stuff in a while but its awsome as always talk to u later
much love
White-Oleaders-Back chapter 1 . 5/5/2004
I really liked it! You never see many Selphie centered fanfics around... I think this is a great fanfic!
Tainted-Dreamz chapter 1 . 5/5/2004
Wowie! Great fanfic1! I LOVE Selphie/Seifer fanfics! Teehee! I hope you make more!