Reviews for Hell is for children
FizzSummers chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
Very beautiful and the song goes great with the story.
Essenity chapter 1 . 11/28/2004
Goodness me...Hell is for's scary the way you put it. (Shudders) The poem: they cry in the dark, so you can't see their tears...I liked it. Did you make it up?
Amaya chapter 3 . 10/3/2004
Amaya chapter 2 . 10/3/2004
What did she SAY?
Amaya chapter 1 . 10/3/2004
Why didn't just kill Kikyou? It would have been fine then...I HATE THAT DAMNED BITCH! Anyhow...YAY! You killed her in the end, but you also killed Inuyasha and Kagome...Eh, they'll be together in HEAVEN...As Kikyou rots in HELL! Oh happy day...
FL chapter 2 . 6/22/2004
Hey. I just have a few little complaints.

Kirara, not Kilala. Kilala is the phoenetic spelling.

Kikyou, not Kikyo.

I don't know. They seem a little short. The hentai humour was good though. XD I don't like Kikyou and InuYasha, so I didn't like the first chapter. That is the only reason.
El Offspring chapter 1 . 6/14/2004
I think you should have Miroku sing The Offspring's song "Hit That." Or Inuyasha sing the Offspring's song "(Can't Get My) Head Arond You" or Franz Ferdinand's Song "Take Me Out" to Kagome.
Shadow Kat-Lyn chapter 6 . 5/30/2004
like OMG! that is like so totally good!I love it! please write more like this chapter!
Battousi Girl chapter 2 . 5/30/2004
o 1 more about evenessence's song bring me to life? hm. "Wake me up inside" isn't that wut Kagome did to Inuyasha? u think about it. if so write u could reach me Katgriffin501 (instant message) & i'll give u my idea.

Battousi Girl
Battousi Girl chapter 5 . 5/30/2004
ya okay i am just reading this & u already got the leariks WRONG! Its how DARE u say my behavior is unacaptable! i got the cd & if u want i'll give u the learics!

Battousi Girl & get the song RIGHT!
otakulord89 chapter 4 . 5/11/2004
Good stuff, and as you said in my review Avril is a sell out poser and there is nothing we can do, but well try this I am in a Catholic All Girl School full of ugg wearing, skirt hitching preps and that is not fun and the Nasher just makes matters worst. But the amusing thing is the whole honor roll is mostly preps and liberals so we make the school academics look good and the preps make us look "pleasant and sociable" therefore us punks don't get in that much trouble for the shit we pull unless our grades are complete crap and we are not in any sports or clubs. MWAHAHAHAHA
Shadow Kat-Lyn chapter 4 . 5/11/2004 sweet!I love this story and 'Flight' and I can't wait till you update that one...
Kellybug chapter 3 . 5/9/2004
I've always liked the song. and you portrayed Kagura and Kanna in a way that- I think- not many have even THOUGHT about! Most think of these two
more as Hell-Bringers like Naraku. We've never thought of the Hell they might have seen and felt.
(I wonder how Sango and Kohaku will be pictured?
"It's a long, long road...")
Kirei Baka Kasumi chapter 3 . 5/9/2004
i liked it! another somg to go check out! lol
Shadow Kat-Lyn chapter 3 . 5/9/2004
dude...that's just dude...I like the "Stori" so far,and your really more asap
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