Reviews for Aite
YokaiAngel chapter 4 . 11/23/2017
Fantastic!~~~~ :-)
YuukoTheWitch chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
perfect as always..thank u...for making my life beautiful...
Hestia82 chapter 4 . 1/25/2009
Goku reaction is the best.

" let Gojyo have sex with you? Hakkai, that's just gross."

I laughed my ass off! :)
Mako-clb chapter 4 . 12/22/2008
I think all the versions are good for different reasons. Although, I actually like the original ending best. I'm not sure why, but I do.
mirai3k chapter 2 . 2/16/2008
"If it even seems like you're distracted, I'm neutering the kappa."


but yes, you wrote this adorably! *sigh* aww Hakkai
midorii813 chapter 4 . 1/10/2008
That was adorable! I think I did like it better when it was combined, and when Hakkai was there when Gojyo woke up.

But Gojyo throwing the mug had so much dramatic effect. xD

Love this story!
Lady Lotus Moon chapter 3 . 7/12/2007
Alternate ending is definitely the way to go. It feels truer to the depth of Gojyo & Hakkai's friendship and more in character.
Oxytreza chapter 4 . 6/23/2007
ah, yes. I do prefer the second version. sweetest.

so, the final version is just perfect, because I like whan sanzo and goku are standing at the door.

well done, you're one of the best.
amai-kaminari chapter 1 . 10/31/2006
BRAVO! I just love all you 585 fics! Everything how you write involving GojyoXHakkai always feels so remarkably natural and in-character!

I really liked your final version - BTW. I imagine that Hakkai would feel all guilt-ridden and self-loathing and say something Gojyo takes the wrong way... Then Gojyo would just get angry over Hakkai's perceived rejection... since our hanyou so rarely allows himself to seem vulnerable. So I thought the final compromise you made with the ending was the perfect way to go.

And the monk and monkey catching them? Just priceless. _

The only suggestion I have (and please please please do not think this is a flame because I truly adore all your writing and am a big fan of yours) is that I've always imagined that Hakkai is the first one to wake up in the group... which matches better with your first ending... The problem with that is that... like your first ending... I would also imagine that he would be so ashamed that he would leave the room and want to avoid the topic... (I liked how you compromised in your final version and kept them in the same room...) but I thought it would be nice to have some explanation on why Gojyo was up first? Maybe throw in a line where Gojyo wakes up and gloats a little over the fact that he is the reason why Hakkai seems to have slept later than usual that day? _~ Anyways... just a suggestion.

Truly love all your 585. Look forward to more in the future!
Akia and Amora chapter 4 . 6/3/2006
very nicely done
AnimeCrazyK-chan chapter 2 . 4/22/2006
.. Y'know, I've never really liked Hakkai/Gojyo pairings. ... now I'm pretty sure I'm starting too. ... Haha.

This ending's meh favourite, by the way. Too cute.
Bonkers Personified chapter 4 . 4/15/2006
it's good
Bonkers Personified chapter 3 . 4/15/2006
good alternative ending though i prefered the first one.
Bonkers Personified chapter 2 . 4/15/2006
god they really are in love aint they. beautifull again!
Bonkers Personified chapter 1 . 4/15/2006
aw cute... no cute doesn't do it justice, beautiful.
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