Reviews for What Lies Within Us
E. J. Morgan chapter 18 . 6/6
That's an incredibly well thought-out and wonderfully written story. All the characters are believable. I can see this happening in the show.
QuirkDemon chapter 18 . 3/1/2018
"I laughed, I cried...It moved me, Bob,"
NeverTooMuchInspiration chapter 18 . 8/17/2014
Brilliantly written, and perhaps one of the few of these stories were the aliens were not actually hostile. I loved the intense suspense of whether Trip would survive or not, although it seemed likely that he would pull through as it didn't seem to be a story gearing up to be a tragedy. It could've gone that way though, and it was a relief to see his recovery and the crew's reaction to the situations. Nice job with the translation as well. I know how tricky translations can be, but although there perhaps a few errors in the middle and a bit of odd wording on occasion, by the middle of the story I couldn't tell that it wasn't originally written in English by a native speaker. This story reminded me a lot of "The Brooke Ellison Story," which I would highly recommend you take a look at if you haven't yet, particularly having written this story. To summarize it simply, it is the inspirational, true story of someone who was thrown suddenly into Trip's situation at a young age, but managed to work with it, albeit with a lot of help from her family, and still manage to build a good life and a successful career. Thank you for writing, translating, and posting this story!
MarnieWasThere chapter 18 . 5/23/2014
This is brilliant! It takes a lot to make me read 18 chapters but you really got this right. Loved the characterization & you got the h/c just right.
Guest chapter 18 . 12/23/2013
This was very well written! I really enjoyed the plot, thought the characters were true to themselves, and appreciated the grammar! THANKYOU for sharing this with fan fiction!
SIGASLSAREHC chapter 18 . 11/15/2013
I bet when you wrote this, you never expected to still be getting reviews 7 years on! But you because it is an outstanding piece of work. So much drama and tension! Your characterisations are spot on. Now I'm off to read the sequel!
A chapter 18 . 10/14/2013
Okay, so you might be wondering why I'm reading a story from way back in 2004 (or maybe not), but if you are the answer to that is I read a lot of fanfictions from many genres, and thought "hey, I've never read Enterprise fanfics before". So I start looking and I come across this. My praise to you: AMAZING! You're a great writer, you have a superb sense of characterization, and a real flair for the dramatic. I can't image any other Enterprise fanfic will be able to stand up to this - they'll all pale in comparison.
I'm looking forward to the sequel you mention, and while writing fanfics is very different than creating your own original story, I hope that you have or will try in the future to get your own works published. You're a great writer and should share that talent with the world
Cap'nFrances chapter 18 . 9/23/2013
Great story! You did a beautiful job of capturing the Enterprise characters and their relationships and exploring how they would deal with extremely difficult situations like Trip's disability and possible death.
ComicalEpiphanies chapter 18 . 9/30/2012
Well done! I was riveted. I can't wait to read the sequel. Going to find it now.
PBIceCream chapter 18 . 5/15/2012
I absolutely loved it, thank you!
MicioGatta chapter 18 . 8/24/2010
Wow, great story! I like it, and it demonstrated that, after all, I'm not so cruel with Trip in my own stories :-D.
Serenity Starke chapter 18 . 6/15/2009
This story was outstanding! This was one of the very first Enterprise stories I read along with it's sequeal. Both of these stories are by far some of the best available out there. It was very moving, and your descriptive writing made it easy to follow along with and to get wrapped up into the emotions (in both stories). Excellent.
frostfalcon chapter 18 . 8/13/2008
Wow... I had to try so hard not to cry at times, if I had read this at home instead of work I may have cried. I really enjoyed it.
47th Spirit chapter 1 . 3/24/2006
I was just going over some old stories and I found this... wow, I just have to say that this is one of the best fics I've ever read, it was just amazing.

Fanatastic writing, well done.
Mandy chapter 18 . 2/15/2006
Das war wirklich fantastisch! Entschuldigung - ich spreche nur ein wenig Deutsch, so I'll have to do the rest in English.

That was the most amazing and beautiful Star Trek story I've ever read (much better than the novels) and it almost had me crying. Sorry I was too busy reading it to review all the other chapters - hope you don't mind :)

I'm really looking forward to reading the sequel.
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