Reviews for Shattered Illusions
Potternaha chapter 25 . 7/27
Wooohooo! Good job! Thanks for an amazing read! Now I think I like Harry and Ron being together:)
Potter4ever chapter 22 . 7/25
SnapeyPotter chapter 15 . 7/25
Great story! I just want to tell you that I feel that Harry is sooo out of character. I keep trying to picture a stuttering Harry, instead I keep remembering his mischief in third year! Ugh, I hate me
A.C.nelli chapter 21 . 4/19
Actually I thought they will capture Ron somehow. Since everyone knows now who Harry would miss the most, it's easy to lure Harry into the open if they got his Wheezy.
A.C.nelli chapter 20 . 4/19
I feel the same like Ron. Petunia was horrible to Harry. She starved, neglected and humiliated a child, her sisters child. That's not excusable in any way.
But Harry is kind enough to wish for her to be fine. That's selflessness on a whole new level.
A.C.nelli chapter 19 . 4/19
I really like Harrys and Rons dynamic. It's sweet and lovely to read.
A.C.nelli chapter 18 . 4/19
Harry finally did testify. I hope the Wirzarding Worlds press doesn't get info on this. This would be horrible for Harry.
A.C.nelli chapter 17 . 4/19
That had been a super nice chapter. I'm very excited about the outcome of Harrys interview and Vernons trial.
A.C.nelli chapter 17 . 4/19
That had been a super nice chapter. I'm very excited about the outcome of Harrys interview and Vernons trial.
A.C.nelli chapter 16 . 4/18
That had been super sweet. But I wonder what will happen there. Not exactly much privacy there, I guess.
A.C.nelli chapter 15 . 4/18
Harry will do something idiotic in order to protect Ron, I just know it. I really want to be proven wrong though.
A.C.nelli chapter 14 . 4/18
Poor Harry, poor Ron, but hell yes, they finally kissed and admitted their feelings about each other. This is beautiful.
A.C.nelli chapter 13 . 4/17
A very nice take on all those Firsts. Very well done.
A.C.nelli chapter 11 . 4/16
Their cuteness is unreal. I just want to give both of them a Mrs. Weasley hug.
A.C.nelli chapter 10 . 4/16
Oh Ronnie, he's as sweet, insecure and adorable like we knew from the books.

I like how you let them both be in character.
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