Reviews for Streak
Nuppu chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
Well, isn't Depp going to do a porn movie next? If he does, you could watch it and pretend it's Jack... so that'd be one down, two to go...

Great poem. You should publish it somewhere. _
elaneon chapter 1 . 9/7/2004
I see by your reviews I'm not the only one you move to poetic thoughts! This is very cute- and I completely agree with the last line.
LaughingAstarael chapter 3 . 8/8/2004
How much rum would it take?

A whole lot for Norrington, with his reputation at stake.

A barrel for Will, a stiff but a hottie.

Next to nothing for Jack to reveal his fine body.

I'd elect to provide the drink

The chash is worth these fine men, dontcha think?

Fine glasses for Commodore and a tankard for Will

Just give Jack a bottle, tis easier to swill.

So a toast I propose, raising my glass

To them, and to Jack, with his quite fine ass.
LaughingAstarael chapter 3 . 8/8/2004
How much rum would it take?

A whole lot for Norrington, with his reputation at stake.

A barrel for Will, a stiff but a hottie.

Next to nothing for Jack to reveal his fine body.

I'd elect to provide the drink

The chash is worth these fine men, dontcha think?

Fine glasses for Commodore and a tankard for Will

Just give Jack a bottle, it's easier to swill.

So a toast I propose, raising my glass

To them, and to Jack, with his quite fine ass.
LaughingAstarael chapter 1 . 8/1/2004
This is great! And me 'n Fishy Girl have found someone sadder than us! (No offence, mind :P)


Peace and many beans,


~~L. Astarael
BlackJackSilver chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
Delightful! You made my night. Oh my, it's contagious!

Norrington: It must be illegal

Certainly not the norm.

There's no convenient place

To hang my uniform.

Will: Er, what was the question?

Must I be nude to streak?

I'll do it for Elizabeth!

She'll promise not to peak.

Jack: Suspiciously silent

For a good long while-

Not here any longer!

Just clothes in a pile.

Thank you for yet another review. Your good opinion means much to me. I added you to all my little lists, so I won't miss anymore poetic goodness. Really enjoyed your prose piece too- would love to see more of both.
Decollage chapter 1 . 6/30/2004
Um... Jack. Norrington if he was severely drunk, Will if Elizibeth asked him to, but Jack would... because he's... Jack... and that's all.
vanillafluffy chapter 1 . 6/27/2004
What you propose fills me with delight!

Sell me a ticket for that lovely sight!

Jack would be easy-a noggin of rum,

he'd be naked and tawny and oh my God, YUM!

Will might be tricky, he's more of a prude

(but in the buff, a truly glorious dude!)

But as for the Commodore with his pompous air,

I can safely say I don't want to go there!

Still, two out of three is still pretty good-

if they'd only show it-but Disney never would!
Geheimnis chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
*applause* totally awesome and original
NightsSweetEmbrace chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
LOL! A fine sense of humor and well written, as always!
Oneiriad chapter 1 . 6/21/2004
I completely agree with the last line :-)