Reviews for Always the Innocent
Guest chapter 1 . 2/5
Please make another chapter
GoldenTresses91 chapter 1 . 6/20/2009
I really liked how you had this in the first-person perspective. Excellent job!

X Ever Yours, Lauren Nicole
ph6fingeredman chapter 1 . 11/27/2005

To translate that into something remotely resembling thought:

OMG!11!1!one!1!11eleventyone!11!1! Teh 4w350?/\/\3z0r!1!1

To translate that into something remotely resembling /coherent/ thought:

Wow. That was written beautifully, the images were spectacular, and the ending was fantastically haunting. I am in awe.
paradox01 chapter 1 . 6/28/2004
Oh. very dark tone. Great job with this. I don't like the idea of the T/G romance but otherwise- great fic. xD

Secret Staircase chapter 1 . 1/27/2004
Well! Not a big Tom/anyone shipper, I confess, but this was so rich and dark and violent, how can I not love it? I've been looking for a fic like this for ages. You're a very talented writer; your Tom is wonderfully chilling. I loved this: "she'd scream as I ravaged her, scream to the higher powers or to her mother or to me - "
I've seen lots of speculation on whether the violation of Ginny was literal or metaphorical; generally I go for the metaphorical side, but this is very convincing.
Great work. :)
Fantome chapter 1 . 9/25/2003
Amazingly well done, perfect tone and word usage. I loved Tom admiring his new hands and "she'd taste of autumn and tears and blood" is a fantastic line. I loved this fic.
zoeey509 chapter 1 . 9/23/2003
very, very chillful. i love this! i just recently became a tom/ginny shipper, but you make it more of a great ship! i hope there's more!
Tar Irene chapter 1 . 8/15/2003
OOh.. chilling, and beautiful. A mastery.

I adore it.
MochaButterfly chapter 1 . 1/1/2002
END? You aren't going to finish it? Oh please, I want more! I'm slowly but surely becoming a Tom/Ginny shipper. I loved this piece of work. Well, perhaps it would be best left at where it is, but if you do get a plot bunny, please continue! Cheers and happy writing :)
Saranha de Angelo chapter 1 . 1/1/2002
That was cool! Really, I liked it! You might even consider going on with it. You know? Continue? Just a suggestion. *looks around* Sorry, I don't have any flames to light the fire with. I liked it too much.
Calypso chapter 1 . 11/28/2001
Wonderful story! I'm a big T/G fan. Nice detail, describing Tom's desire.
Ellerfru chapter 1 . 10/12/2001
oh... good story.
hmego chapter 1 . 10/12/2001
Wonderful writing! And I'm bad at writing constructive reviews; I'll leave it at that. )
phenom1 chapter 1 . 10/10/2001
i love this. it gives voice to some evil little thoughts i've had about ginny and tom riddle. short and sweet. just adding it to my favorites...
OU girlie chapter 1 . 10/6/2001
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