Reviews for Spin Cycle
Kittenlzlz chapter 5 . 7/2/2016
This was really really good. A little confusing at first b/c you had no scene breaks, but the story was worth ignoring that. The way you portrayed Kenshin and kaoru was beautifully done, and the whole way you brought in the idea of youkai and mixed it with both them and Stargate. Also, your portrayal of the battousai and especially the duality(?) Of humanity and Kenshin and how he switches between is just amazing. Thank-you for writing this!
Alas chapter 5 . 10/14/2015
This was so weird. Great and fabulous and intriguing, and so DIFFERENT. I clicked on it because I had no idea how these two could ever be crossed over, and honestly after reading it I still can't quite believe you managed it so PERFECTLY. How did this blend even cross your mind? It's so amazing and unique that I'm just...stunned. Wow. Great job.
kokoronagomu chapter 5 . 10/1/2015
you always leave me wanting more... great story! nice, sort of, sequel to the 'gargoyles' crossover... are there anymore 'rk' stories that i've i missed? like ones that include anything 'rk' in them (like 'shadows in starlight')? lol i have to resort to using the 'find' option on your profile list to see if anything else has 'rk' even in the summaries.
yuki chapter 5 . 7/4/2015 Damn. This is the finest stargate crossover with anime like samurai x that I have read
Beloved Daughter chapter 5 . 3/10/2015
Brilliant story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading every moment of it. I loved how you integrated the two sets of characters. Thanks for writing and posting.
Ryouseiteki chapter 5 . 2/12/2015
The ki to chi weirded me out at first, etc, but I see that's probably for the Western pov of the stargate side of this fic. Loved this to bits!

Though I think this is the last of your work that I'll be reading until I reread my favorites. I'd still like to know if you've got anything published. Let me know? Thanks!
Guest chapter 5 . 1/7/2014
You're an amazing writer. I love many of the stories you've written; this one is also an amazing story. It was impossible for me to stop reading. So, I'd like you to know that I appreciate your writing and enjoy it a lot, and look forward to reading more stories, ideas, and inspirations.
On a side note, I also really liked the story about Battousai the sword in New York, and Embers is a story like no other.
Thank you!
BiblioMatsuri chapter 5 . 6/21/2012
I love your writing. If I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now.
peagravel chapter 3 . 7/15/2011
Love the fic, just one little quibble- there isn't a Carson Springs anywhere near Cheyenne Mountain. I should know, I can see it when I head down the street!

Ryan could be from Manitou Springs, or Colorado Springs. Hell, maybe even from Fountain, though it's far more unlikely. chapter 5 . 7/1/2011
I love your crossovers. They are absolutely amazing. Bah. Everything I've read of yours is fricking amazing. Beautiful piece!
EygptianFireFly chapter 5 . 1/9/2011
That was an awesome double-meaning ending! And a great story.
Azhwi chapter 5 . 11/26/2010
I really like these mixes. Unfortunately I never did get very far into Stargate the series - though I did enjoy the movie.

I'll have to read back to the other stories about Kenshin. I recall the story about the gargoyles (another childhood favourite) but perhaps I did not finish the story as I don't remember Kenji going through blood lust.

In any case, I enjoyed the interactions between the characters and absolutely loved the innocent act that Kenshin pulled under Kennedy's nose.


Thank you for the story.
Deritine chapter 5 . 9/10/2010
Ah! A sequel! Most excellent. And this one actually ends nicely, unlike some cliffie endings I've been reading of yours lately. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I love your Kenshin, which surprises me as I did not like him in the series, though I did like the Samurai X... Somehow you consolidate the silliness/seriousness shift in a way that seems natural versus overly shonen, if you know what I mean?

Anyway, great story. Should have many more reviews. If I had the stamina, I would review all the chapters.
Mystikwriter chapter 5 . 4/30/2010
Saying I love Rurouni Kenshin fics is like saying I kind of need to breathe, or somewhat like to read.

Definitely on par with Blades of Blood, which is by far my favorite of anything you have ever written. But then, I should stop being awed by your grasp of any character you decide to turn your attention to...
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 5 . 9/30/2009

I know when something's out of my league. This definitely counts. I could follow it...barely. I feel that I can't follow something unless I can truly grasp the hidden meanings behind the words. I felt I could only catch glimpses here.

You are a truly amazing writer. I think I need to advance my senses and knowledge as a reader just to keep up. You knew what you wanted, and you could get it down on paper so well. Even I could tell.

Question: What is Airwolf and where can I get links?
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