Reviews for The Dragon, the Lion and the Serpent
kinnik chapter 18 . 6/25
Why is Malfoy smirking? He had to have known she wouldn't help him once she found out that she had been tortured. Then again, maybe he didn't expect her to come out of it long enough to tell Abby. Even so...Since Albus has been impersonated, I'm now paranoid that anyone could be. I thought for sure when Harry took her out for a walk that it wasn't really him and he was going to kidnap her.
kinnik chapter 17 . 6/25 makes more sense now that Dumbledore was such a jerk to her. I wonder who was polyjuiced and how the castle didn't detect it and let whoever it is into the wards.
kinnik chapter 15 . 6/25
Oh my God! WTH is wrong with Dumbledore! How could he say that to a student. He doesn't do that with Draco and they know he's a Death Eater or at least that his family is. I cannot believe how cruel he was to her. No matter what her family in the past has done...and I'm not sure they did all he said. I think he just wants his own control over Harry and thinks that he is the only one that could help Harry find his confidence again. UNBELIEVABLE!
CJ chapter 28 . 11/24/2018
This story is too much about Abigail and too little about a romance between Draco and Hermione. She might love Draco but he doesn't love Hermione.
C J chapter 27 . 11/13/2018
I think Draco is just out for himself.
CJ chapter 26 . 11/7/2018
Slytherin House seems like a really dangerous place to grow up.
CJ chapter 25 . 10/30/2018
What is with Hermione? She needs to get another boyfriend.
CJ chapter 24 . 10/29/2018
Abigail knows too many spells. Malfoy better not make her angry.
CJ chapter 23 . 10/29/2018
Maybe Harry and Abigail are sleeping together too.
CJ chapter 20 . 10/29/2018
I hope Ginny or Hermione or Abigail don't get killed.
CJ chapter 19 . 10/27/2018
Why does Hermione like Draco so much? She knows he is a death eater, right?
CJ chapter 19 . 10/21/2018
Draco can't decide whether to be good or evil. Hermione should stay away from him but she won't.
That is why they call this a Draco and Hermione romance. There is also a sort of Romeo and Juliet thing going on between them two.
CJ chapter 18 . 10/19/2018
So far I like Abigail in this story better than Hermione.
CJ chapter 17 . 10/19/2018
I don't know why Hermione would want to get together with Draco now, since he said there was no us.
CJ chapter 16 . 10/15/2018
This getting so good. Draco finally realized what a bastard he is.
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