Reviews for The Other Me
AwesomeTrio chapter 11 . 8/30/2017
Love this storyline . There isn't enough Priest Seto contained in the sennen rod stories . I hope you update soon(no pressure).
Hibird assassin chapter 11 . 3/10/2014
Plz update
Elise chapter 11 . 2/5/2014
Amazing, well written, interesting, thrilling, funny, awesome, great story. Really, really brilliant. I love the plot and your Seth and Seto. The new language is intrinsically kinda funny but sounds good too. ;) Please, please continue.
Yami Princess chapter 11 . 6/24/2013
I really do like this story. I hope you find the motivation to continue this story even after 6 years without updating. Maybe re watching Yu-Gi-Oh! will help with your motivation to update this story. Hope you update soon.
sweetchica55 chapter 4 . 5/21/2013
boring..i am sorry but that is all I can say about this is boring...get a better plot or get to the point a little quicker
Cayannamon chapter 11 . 12/20/2009
Its such a good story~ I cant wait for the nxt chapter! XD
silver-dagger-113 chapter 11 . 9/17/2008
Good story. I like where Seth's and Seto's relationship is going, they seem to be warming to each other. I hope you decide to continue!
sirensbane chapter 11 . 6/16/2008
I love this story, especially the parts starring Seth. Please continue this story! It's well-written and I really want to know what happens.
chibi heishi chapter 11 . 6/4/2008
This is really good. I like Seth, and the way that Bakura and Malik interact. Seto's soul room is about what I would have expected, but Seth obviously has a lot to learn about his Hikari. I'm interested in seeing how the priest reacts when he finds out WHY Seto is like he is.
katie chapter 11 . 1/26/2008
please please please continue the story! its really really great, and the relationship between seth and seto is great!
Edward the spiderqueen chapter 11 . 11/18/2007
I heart this fic! Ha ha, the only person who can chastise seto and get away with it is seth, which is pretty much himself. Oh what does seth's soul room look like? I would love to see this fic continued!
Anonymous chapter 11 . 10/21/2007
I like this, so I wanna say 'thank you' for trying to continue this story despite your lack of interest. Good luck!
infraredphaeton chapter 11 . 10/3/2007
I love your idea of Seto's empty soul room, it shows a bit more about the emotional damage he's been through.

Too bad this story is getting hard to write, it seems just as good as it was a few chapters ago though, and I still love your Ideas, they're very cool.

Please keep writing!
HJ11 chapter 11 . 9/30/2007
OMFG THANK YOU YOU UPDATED! This is an AWESOME story 'specially since there are such few seth/seto fics. I love the plot in this one so don't stop, pwease?
DarkScytheQueen chapter 11 . 9/28/2007
Please try to love it again...I hate to see people give up what they are good at doing! Please! *gets idea* may i suggest watching YGO the abridged series? It rocks! Maybe that'll get ya loving the anime again!
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