Reviews for Last Dance
madAmeSaysWhAt chapter 1 . 12/13/2007
yes, very corny, but awesome story anyway.
rabidwolverine101 chapter 1 . 7/1/2007
that was really good, just like ur other stories.
dinawen chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
great story
forwantofanemma chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
yay! corny stories are great stories. i like the ending, where all the friends are watching and -for once- neal DOESNT manage to interupt a private moment. thank god!

very well done..yet again. like i have to say it!
music nerd chapter 1 . 3/5/2006
ionalama chapter 1 . 1/17/2006
bit cheesy, but I love fluff!
supernaturally chapter 1 . 6/25/2005
I read Josephine and the Soldier too! Have you read Belle and the Beau? It's about Belle (duh) and Daniel. Actually I like Amelia and the Outlaw the best. Oh, and BTW, good story.
Aryanda chapter 1 . 2/12/2005
It was great. luck
HeartKel chapter 1 . 1/5/2005
*squee!* *huggles*


Pheep chapter 1 . 10/17/2004
Aww, I remember reading this on - what, the cookie jar was it? - in WLD! I really liked it then, and I still do now. The ending was a bit corny, yes, but it fit well - and of course, who can resist adding Neal (and company) to the story one last time?

...Well, I can't, anyway. By the way, keep an eye out for the "wrapped"/"rapped" evil twin thing. Why am I calling it an evil twin thing? Simple answer: It's 5:34 in the morning.

(By the way, you might have noticed that all my reviews so far are for your K/D stories. It's not that I don't like Neal - honestly, most of the time I love him *at least* as much as Dom - I just don't read K/N, as a general rule. Or really, K/NotDom pairings in general. I'm such a prude. XD I should probably explore a bit, but oh well. Maybe tomorrow. I think this'll probably be my last review for the night anyway.)

And so, yet another of yours goes on my favorites list. :D Nice work! (You and Manda are so silly - "awful", indeed!) G'nite then.
Enchanted Evangeline chapter 1 . 8/28/2004
aw! i love the corniness! i love k/d fics, and yours are great! more! more! lol
Fantasizing-Lady-Knight chapter 1 . 8/1/2004
*giggles hysterically* It's so funny when Kel's friends spy on her! I love it! This is so good!

For Tortall and the Queen's Riders!

Legofiance chapter 1 . 7/30/2004
omg this was such a perfect story! just the right amount of fluff! just hte right amount of neal funniess! just perfect! please write more stories!
Erkith chapter 1 . 7/29/2004
I can't believe how many good fics you've written!
Vedalynne chapter 1 . 7/28/2004
o I luv it. u know me, I must have more! Update SOON! plz!

::smiles innocently::

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