Reviews for Don't You Fall
jshaw0624 chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
Please update! To abandon this fantastic story would be criminal, not to mention devastating! so please update again soon!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/10/2016
This story is so sweet! I am loving it. You have done a good job making Legolas believable.
nevvy chapter 9 . 12/2/2013
I'm nowhere near catching up- I should be going to sleep actually since I have work in the morn, but... this fic is so lovely and this chapter so poignant... I just had to comment because this chapter almost had me in tears. The darling kitten is a sweet gift. Warg, indeed. I found and kept a 6wk kitten that I named Mephistopheles. Five weeks later and he's not living up to his namesake (thank goodness), but that day he was certainly a spitfire hissing at the other kittens to get food after crawling from the depths under my neighbors house. He sure acted like a little demon cat. Well, off to read more, because it's so compelling I want to!
ArabianNights18 chapter 32 . 11/23/2013
I adore this story and would love if you finished it someday. I am eager to know if the thoughts I've had for the ending are at all what you had in mind.
whitecat2013 chapter 32 . 9/20/2013
Can't wait for the next! Yeyeyeyeyyy! :)
purpleXorchid chapter 32 . 4/3/2013
This story is absolutely fantastic. Expertly written with one of the most engaging plot lines I've ever read. I know it has been eight years since you updated, but I think it's a shame to leave this story unfinished. Perhaps you will finish it one day?
Daybreak96 chapter 32 . 3/26/2013
How come u never finished this story, has to be the best LOTR Legomance fic ive ever read, and ive read it twice!
Daybreak96 chapter 1 . 10/30/2012
love thus fic
xXMarinaMarvelousXx chapter 32 . 7/19/2010
update soon please
L.D chapter 32 . 5/31/2010
an amzing story! great character depth and details. wish it was finished :)
ValadhielO'Imladris chapter 32 . 1/28/2010
i hope you continue this story.

mountain spring chapter 32 . 10/12/2007

this story is amazing, i've only just finished but its so good. just wondering though have you finished it? or are you writing more as it seems incomplete?
hermonine chapter 32 . 8/5/2007
Nice story.
FFAMasquerade2005 chapter 32 . 5/10/2007
Ok so time for me to review again... i really liked the line "he kissed me" "I saw and so did half the army" i just about died laughing...i'm pretty sure that Amilo (was that her name?) is Thranduil (sp?) bastered daughter, and that he doesn't want legolas to have Isil b/c she is much like Legolas mother...or unless Thranduil went and had an affair of his own... but i'm not sure who that women was in the bath house who confronted Isil about the life's at stake... there are a few gammer problems, and some words missing i noticed, but hey no one's perfect, so just keep on doing what your doing. I love this story, to bad you can't publish it, it would make a great book! Well please update soon, I really want to know what happens next and if Thranduil will be sorry for what he did to Isil...

FFAMasquerade2005 chapter 19 . 5/8/2007
Thats cool, I didn't know Legolas had a sign for him in BSL, i'm assuming it's a name sign? I took two smesters of ASL at the college I go to now...I think that is awesome that you can talk, lip read (which I know is really hard, we had to try it in my ASL class, I don't know how you people do it.) ans sign... you said that you know not only ASL, but BSL, and there is a Universal Sign Language? I never knew that, that must make it so much easier to communicate with other Deaf people from other countries...sorry i'm kinda rambling, I just think Deaf people are cool and love learning about their language(s) and culture... but now onto the real review... ok sooner or later they are both going to be caught, and then, well it won't be good i'm guessing...I thought the best part of this chapter was when Gandalf popped into Legolas and Isil's mental conversation... Sana needs to get into her head that Legolas is not interrested in her that way, and nothing will change that... but if she realized that then we wouldn't have an evil villian...well keep up the amazing work!
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