Reviews for The One Eared Neko
CircleKV12 chapter 26 . 9/5/2010
So I just spent most of labor day weekend reading this story. Loved it. Its so well written and believable I love it. I could even handle the small amount of 2x1 scenes it was so good. I usually just read pure romance with like drama as a secondary theme. But once I started your story I just couldn't stop. I look forward to reading more of your work and hopefully you will finish the continuation of this story.
twilightserius chapter 26 . 5/25/2010
that was a sweet ending n i like it too bad the other gboys were left out though
twilightserius chapter 4 . 5/24/2010
i like this i'll read more laters k XD hmm if he is the one eared neko they why did it mention his toher ears n neck in the oter chapter or is he a half breed well ill know soon enough do continue making stories though
xXPixiexxStikXx chapter 25 . 6/9/2009
Okay. So WOW. I just read the whole thing in one chapter, and I just want to cry with the brilliance of it, actually, I am crying. Thinking back to cheerful mischievous Duo, and ugh, everyone and everything. I've never read anything better in my life, including published novels. It was so wonderfully captivating, from the first time Heero stumbled into the tent, and that brilliant brilliant Duo. I'm not going to sleep tonight.
Wanderer-Brown-Sheep chapter 26 . 3/15/2009
This is touching and very original, and considering the archives I've read, I love that.
DevianYUE chapter 26 . 3/12/2009
beautifuly written, amazing plot, i applaud u, really...

so glad to have found this fic.
chibi heishi chapter 26 . 2/20/2008
This was really good. And I think it's pretty ironic that Duo's prediction of Heero having one child is dead on, if under unusual circumstances. But yeah, definitely worth reading.
one-hep-cat chapter 26 . 3/20/2007
Wow. Just... wow... I never wanted to read this story before, from the title. I thought, oh... boys as cats... cripes... And then I thought, well... you're a marvelous writer anyway, I'll try it out. So I read the first chapter. And I'm like... okay, I don't see anything about boys as cats, maybe this is good. Then I get to the chapter about nekos, and I was like... dang... But I gave it a chance because I really, truly liked the way it was going, despite the kitty-ness of it all. (And I really hated the idea of being a hypocrite, as someone loved one of my stories until one particular chapter and they were like... oh... one of THOSE and I thought 'wtf? How can you love it so much and then hate it over one simple thing!' But I digress. I'm rambling!) Anyway, it was a awesome story. You could really publish this as an original work, I think. So in depth, everything happening for a reason. Really, just wonderfully written. You've changed my opinion about the whole 'boys as cats' idea. And I loved how you managed to keep everyone in character despite their circumstances, how they might have turned out in their respective situations. And I also liked your portrayal of the female characters. So frequently, they are bashed and put into idiot woman roles and it's refreshing that they do try to work things out/have a mind of their own/etc. Just... wonderful. This is going on my favorites list. _
dragonfuzzy chapter 3 . 12/2/2006
this is very interesting, i only had time to read the first couple chapters, but i love it so far!

cant wait to read more and look at more of your work
tinkering chapter 10 . 10/15/2006
it's way late now but...if duo's hat fell off in his little escapade in the gas station...when heero came in wouldn't he have noticed the neko ears?...
Faery Goddyss chapter 7 . 10/8/2006
Guess I know why its calld one eared neko. I'm a little eh over the whole neko though. I had thought it was a random title, even though I did know what neko meant. I had figured you'd mean Duo was clever/cunning/silent/ect, as a neko. Not that he WAS one.-FG
Faery Goddyss chapter 2 . 10/7/2006

Faery Goddyss chapter 1 . 10/7/2006
To be perfectly honest I only wandered into this fic because I was bored and really needed something to read to pass my lunch time by. Now I'm rather interested. I do like story's where the main character has a perfect boxed life and finally realizing life shouldnt be like that. That its more suffocating than perfect. Heero's character seems so impassive, I love it. That's how I've always seen him in Gundam Wing, and yet I see so many people view him differently in fanfiction. Completely altering his personality. You seem to have him down pat, and I salute you for it!

Now, I'll be reading this whole thing. I'm interested to see what a con man Duo can bring to Heero's perfectly dull repeative life!-FG
Frenzied Conception chapter 26 . 5/9/2006
Excellent, you are a true author. Extremely well written, thank you so much for not wasting my time. -lol

i especially liked chapter 24 b, that was really good. Keep it up, Great job on a fantastic fic,


a contented reader :)

PS this story my favorites list
Nasa Maxwell-Yuy chapter 26 . 2/6/2006
Aw. This is a really great story! I almsot started crying at several points. Well, off to read the "continuation"! Ja!
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