Reviews for Irony
wishingonlightning chapter 1 . 8/19/2010
Aw sad. I really liked the lines:

"The world screams irony when I sit here and decay in my prison, my curse, and yet I watch your curse ripen and wane every night." and "Yet it is irony that my most searing pain is seeing that moon every night, and yet it is my driving source of survival, my most cherished hope."

Nice job.
Technicolourful chapter 1 . 9/26/2009
That was quite nice. Good job.
Galenchia chapter 1 . 7/20/2008
Very good! :3 I love irony. Sirius doesn't, obviously. D:

But yay! I spotted a few small mistakes, but nothing major. You don't want to take it down again, after all!

Best wishes and love.

runningfingers chapter 1 . 4/18/2007
Really good. I loved the way that you conveyed the emotions.
aphinitea chapter 1 . 3/22/2005
yes it is irony..this is sad, but still beautiful...the musings of an innocent man.
I Write Tragedies chapter 1 . 2/28/2005
First of all, I love your screenname. Do you listen to Mae or is it just a fluke that your screenname is the same as one of their songs?

Secondly, interesting fic. The reason I liked it as much as I did was because of the mentioning of the moon. I don't really like fics that mention Azkaban but you didn't centre on the place so much as the man in it.

Thirdly, I'm adding this to Baying At the Full Moon : Sirius x Remus Archive.
morgaine chapter 1 . 2/3/2005
irony. that's the best description of sirius, his life after his conviction i've ever read. this ficlet just tugged at my heart. it's poetic, sad, and it just works. Thank You
b33na chapter 1 . 8/29/2004
Oh. My. Goodness. How DID you write this? 'Tis brilliant. Abso-bloomin'-utely brilliant. It was so... I dunno. Sweet, I guess, when you know they'll meet again, but it's awful to think that that was how things were for TWELVE years...
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2004
sniff sniff... so sad! poor Siri-boy! excellent fic, not too explicit about Remus but just superb... loved it!
Diana chapter 1 . 8/6/2004
Good story content wise, but not a very literal use of the word irony. Some of that stuff was ironic, others weren't. All in all a nice read though, good job.
Angel4eva3 chapter 1 . 8/6/2004
Very good writing. Almost poetic, really. I wish i could write like this...mine sounds like pointless drabble. Great fic tho. :)