Reviews for Classic Stigma
EhHhh chapter 3 . 4/24/2019
I love love love this story so much and I must have read it at least ten times over the last few years!

Always ended up with me not being able to forgive malfoy though because even if he regretted his actions or whatever, his actions when he first felt the scars were show enough to me and I personally wouldn't be able to look him in the eyes after that. That's not only betrayal, it's more than that and I don't even have words to describe it. I got so sad for Harry's sake and I agree with Harry, you can't be angry at the other for holding secrets when you're doing the same thing. Especially if the reason you're holding those secrets stands true for your partner as well. That's just extremely hypocritical ;/

Amazing story!
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 3 . 12/21/2016
You wrote this very well. You could feel their emotions and this seriously felt/sounded better than some professional writers works. Although you did leave a lot of things open, which is good and bad in my opinion. While it does leave more things up to me/the reader to decide it's also really annoying. What was Draco's secret? Why did Draco leave? It's hard to understand why Harry should forgive Draco when we don't know why he left. I feel like if you explained that he was caught by surprise and didn't want to face what happened to Harry, or something similar, then I would feel like Draco is a good character and that this ending is a good one with Harry and Draco having a happy ending. But even though we can guess that that is his reasoning, it isn't solid an therefore not completly correct. For all we know Draco is emotionally manipulating Harry. Why should we feel happy that Harry forgave Draco when his reasons arn't justified? Again I love this and you writing is on professional levels (coming from a idiot with a keyboard but still), there are just a couple of spots that arn't really for me. And most of everything was awesome. I love how we had to read in the subtext about Harry and his drive into insanity. You just explain that so well and simple. I could literally feel what you meant. Though I do wish we got to see exactly what happened. Anyway this was really good.
Tomb Raider and Walking Dead chapter 1 . 12/21/2016
It shouldn't have to be said. They should already know.
MintLeafeon chapter 3 . 8/16/2015
Awwww... that was amazingly sad and happy at the same time. When I first read that Draco left Harry in the room, I nearly cried because of how sad it was even though I was laughing as if I were insane due to the 'dirty talk' between Harry and Draco... pfft! TOO FUNNY WITH HARRY'S LINE! XD
Riane V chapter 3 . 3/15/2015
I really appreciate how Harry's and Draco's relationship progressed. That vulnerable moment where Draco touched Harry's back and left him stranded in the dark pulled at my heart. Despite the betrayal I understood that it was necessary in order for Draco to wrap the idea of Harry's scars because in honest opinion he hadn't known. I was happy to see how uncertain Draco was when he came back to Harry because it shows how its real and that he's taking the matter seriously. He caressed Harry's scars which made me cry a bit at the tender moment. It was really beautiful ending.
NGraceW chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
I uh... hi there eh heh heh. I sent you a comment a few month back when I had first read this story. I can't remember exactly what I said but I'm very sorry for the ranting anger I remember it being. I'm still pretty upset and angry on how Draco treated Harry and how easily Harry forgave, but I feel bad that I went off on you as I did. You're writing really is very emotional and capturing, though this is probably why I was so upset. I was outraged for the innocent broken Harry you had written.
I'm terribly sorry if I came off as a ranting ass, but I wanted to make sure you knew it wasn't a hate message based on your writing.
All the best and so sorry!
dacotilana chapter 3 . 9/1/2014
It's a sweet story, maybe a little sad because of what happend to Luna.
And it wasn't clear what happend to her, but that's irrelevant. It's not part of the important plot.

But in Harrys place I'd never be able to trust Drace wholy and entirely again.
Not after leaving him half-blind in the dark after telling him to trust him to not do that exact thing...

I love drarry but in the end the emotion standing out the most is sorrow.
Harry deserved Dracos love unlimited, not with this sliver of unreliability.
NGraceW chapter 3 . 1/18/2014
I'm not okay with this. I actually physically had to say this out loud as well because your story enraged me so much that I couldn't bear it. Draco BROKE his promise. He just expects Harry to Forgive him? Just like that? And then he goes and emotionally blackmails Harry into showing him his scars while giving nothing in return. He doesn't apologize for his awful behavior or even get a single smack to the face for it. He doesn't even seem to feel apologetic; granted he isn't told how much Harry dreaded his response and how much he lived up to it. I hate him. I hate him for Harry. He didn't wait to listen to what Harry had to say. And sure okay people make mistakes. But g-dd-mmit he doesn't even APOLOGIZE? He's an ass and I hate this version of him. Side Note: I was literally bawling when Draco rejected Harry so kudos for the awesome writing. (Although this is probably why I was so upset- I tend to hold grudges and firmly believe forgiveness must me EARNED.) Anywho... can I toss in a "no offense" here or is that a little late? No Offense! .
loverofgaydragons chapter 3 . 6/13/2013
i don't know what to say, i'm still looking into synonyms for words like AWESOME and ROCKED MY WORLD so that i don't sound too repetitive. this was really touching. i quite enjoyed it. even the ending which is often a disappointment for me.
loverofgaydragons chapter 2 . 6/13/2013
wow, i really loved this chapter. i liked the long paragraphs, something that few people, in my opinion anyway, can pull off without rambling and losing the plot. and the way you describe things makes concepts so tangible i could almost reach into the screen and take them home with me. this is really really good writing. please keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/28/2012
Rebekah chapter 3 . 2/16/2011
You broke my heart a little with this. Lovely.
0140067 chapter 3 . 1/2/2011
I'm kind of confused why Draco ran off after feeling his scars...
Mrs. Edward Cullen 92 chapter 3 . 7/13/2010
Never has a story evoked so much emotion in me as this one. Stories and movies have caused my eyes to mist over at times, but the scene where Harry sobs over Draco leaving in horror had me sobbing, myself. It was heart wrenching and power. Honestly, one of the best stories I have read to date.
Chiku chapter 3 . 8/18/2009
you *sniff* made me *sniff* cry soo *sob* much *hysterical tears*

that *sob* was *sniff* beautiful *sniff*
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