Reviews for Escape From Oblivion
Guest chapter 1 . 9/24
Mvelez91 chapter 3 . 7/7
Beautiful. So raw and breath taking
Crossy70 chapter 3 . 1/31
That was intense and lovely! Enjoyed that, thank you!
The Ghostly Minion chapter 3 . 12/15/2019
Lemons as big as watermelons.

The Ghostly Minion chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
One’s first thought is that neither of them much deserve anyone. That would both be uncharitable and wrong.

At the bottom of it all Harry Potter is a badly damaged person. From his earliest memories (induced by Dementors, remember) he has known one Traumatic Shock after another without letup. Remember too, the blind adulation of the British Wizarding World that never has seen him as a person. There are many ways to express this hurt. One is withdrawal. Here shows another — give them what they ‘want’ and be as dismissive the them as real people as they are of him. I’m not sure how he handles men, something similar but without a sexual component.

For Hermione, she seems to be similarly damaged. As this seems to be generally canon compliant, she’s been attached to Harry since first year and at some point fell in love with him and at some other point realized that fact. At this point we don’t know her parents’ status or what studies she does, but it has become as much a protective cocoon as Harry’s playboy manner.

Hermione is as oblivious as Harry. Hers is that she hasn’t yet shown her interest/need to be more than a friend/sister to Harry in a way he’ll ken. The nadir of that tack shows when he likes her perfume, then asks if she’d give him some to help in seducing his latest target.

Hermione needed to get drunk and high. Potter’s luck works for them both in that Harry saves her virtue, but Hermione is now too drunk and high to be cautious. She finally communicates in a way he’ll understand. Though it might not seem it, he/they now have food for thought.

Adonisx chapter 3 . 11/21/2019
so good! You have an amazing way with words!
MelCrooks chapter 3 . 8/8/2019
That was intense and lovely. Really enjoyed it.
william chapter 3 . 12/13/2018
Bravo more h/h plz
ahhrreader chapter 3 . 7/8/2017
You really should write more of HHr.
ahhrreader chapter 3 . 7/8/2017
This is one of the best stories I've read here. Just that Hermione is a bit OOC(I mean really, drugs). Also it's a bit angsty, and that Harry took so long to realize is a put off. But overall it's a one of a kind story.
DragonTamer01 chapter 2 . 2/28/2017
I hate stories like this. I absolutely hate them with an unbridled passion. I'm sorry, but I'm a sucker for fluff, clichés, and sappiness, and I'm NOT ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT! This story has NONE of those things. Instead, it is filled to the absolute brim with angst, grief, and sadness, and more than half the time when I was reading it, I was literally screaming at the screen, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?! JUST ADMIT THAT YOU FUCKING LOVE EACH OTHER ALREADY!" I should have stopped reading it after the first fucking chapter. Now I have to go binge-watch a Godzilla movie marathon and forget that this crapfest of a story even exists. I am not trying to insult your abilities as a writer, but the plot of this story just pissed me off to no end.
GBTtown chapter 3 . 9/17/2016
Potter-porn at its finest.
DragonTamer01 chapter 3 . 9/2/2015
Don't like it. Sorry, but I hate this story. The romance took too long to establish, Hermione would NEVER, EVER, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR even THINK about using drugs, and there was just plain too much angst for my tastes.
masoxrista chapter 2 . 9/19/2014
I had to review on this chapter because I read this fic a while ago and reviewed then.

I have been looking for it the past few weeks and was completely overcome by emotion when I re-read it. (I was horrified when I found that I had not put it in my favourites - because it is my FAVOURITE).

To be honest, i think you've managed to encapsulate the cry of so many all within 3 chapters - the cry of the unwanted, the overlooked, the lover masquerading as the best friend. Dammit, this stuff should be bottled and preserved for posterity.

While I do love the heart-wrenching angst, the all-consuming lust and of course the beauty of that final act - I can't help but feel like I've realized the lesson in all this.

Sometimes, you have to lose to win. You may lose your pride and leave yourself open to be hurt, but sooner or later, you have to go for it or forfeit.

I lost my chance with my "Harry" and that sent me on a tailspin the past year. It's only now when I'm coming to some important conclusions and resolutions.

Because while love can wait, while it can be patient and persevering, it cannot remain silent or idle.

I've conceded to the fact that my procrastination has cost me the chance to know whether my feelings could have been reciprocated. And now, I may never know. But I've realized too that it's not too late for me. The next time, I have the chance - I will put myself out there. I will say the words.

And when that happens, I'll remember this story.
jupimako chapter 3 . 8/3/2014
Your writing style is amazing. I was totally sucked into your story.
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